In the event that you receive an error when performing an advanced search, your first step should be to reindex the user(s) having the issue. To reindex a user, follow the instructions below. The instructions will use the example user "" Please replace any reference of this user or domain with your own.

Applies to SmarterMail 8.x - 15.x

  1. Log in to SmarterMail as the domain administrator.
  2. Select the desired Domain and choose the Manage option on top of the menu bar or right click on the Domain.
  3. Click the Settings icon.
  4. Expand the Domain Settings folder in the navigation pane and click Users. A list of users on the domain will load in the content pane.
  5. Select the desired user and click Reindex in the content pane toolbar.
The user will then be reindexed. If you have multiple users reindexing at once or the users reindexing have large mailboxes, this can take some time to complete.
If, for any reason, a user's mailbox is stuck reindexing, simply stop and restart the indexing service on the server and the lock will clear up. 


Learn more about SmarterMail's enterprise email features and benefits.


Suggest you add in a section in here about what happens when a users mailbox is stuck in the Reindexing status for no apparent reason. I've had to Stop/Start the Indexing Service in order for that to clear up.
Colton Morrison (9/5/2017 at 1:43 PM)
Thanks for the suggestion, Colton. Done!
Derek Curtis (9/6/2017 at 9:52 AM)