Domain administrators can add new SmarterMail users from the active directory using the LDAP protocol. This feature can be used to save time and is very useful when importing multiple users from an already existing LDAP database such as active directory.

NOTE: This feature needs to be enabled for the domain before it can be configured on domains. Furthermore, LDAP integration will only function if SmarterMail is on the same domain as the LDAP server you are trying to connect to. For instructions on how to enable LDAP, please refer to the KB article Enable LDAP for Domains.

Applies to SmarterMail Enterprise 8.x - 15.x

Follow these steps to import new users using LDAP:

  1. Log into SmarterMail as the domain administrator.
  2. Click the Settings icon.
  3. Expand Domain Settings and Advanced Settings folders in the navigation pane.
  4. Click Import LDAP Users.
  5. Input the location of your active directory users via the LDAP binding string (eg. LDAP://,DC=domain,DC=com). An example LDAP string might look like this: LDAP://testdomain.local/CN=Users,DC=testdomain,DC=local
  6. Click List Users.
  7. Select the users you wish to import into the domain. NOTE: If the users already exist in SmarterMail they will not show up in the list.
  8. Click Import Users in the content pane toolbar.

For more information, refer to the SmarterMail Online Help.


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