Purchasing Add-ons

How do I purchase or renew add-ons?
Customers can purchase add-ons at any time by modifying their license from the SmarterTools shopping cart, providing the associated product license is under current Maintenance and Support. Add-ons may be renewed 60 days before their current add-ons expire and renewals also require current Maintenance and Support. Customers should also note that some add-ons, such as the Exchange ActiveSync add-on, may only be available for the Enterprise edition of a product.

Why does it sometimes cost more to lease an add-on than it does to lease the product?
SmarterTools leases are designed to be very flexible, allowing lease partners to start and stop them on a pro-rated daily basis. To provide small businesses with greater access to SmarterTools software, leased licenses for products are available at a special price point. However, lease pricing for add-ons is dictated by the agreements SmarterTools has in place with the developers of those add-ons. Therefore, they fall under a different pricing scheme.

Can I purchase add-ons if I am using SmarterMail as a gateway server?
Due to the licensing agreements we have in place with our add-on partners, add-ons will not work if SmarterMail is being used as a gateway server.