Using a second smartermail instalation for outbound communication
Question asked by Marcel Heinrichs - Today at 3:42 AM
I have a smartermail instalation on a primairy server. The network where this server is in is currently blacklisted by spamrats. Since its not specific my ip, but the whole network there is not to do much about it. But it does affect my customers. I have a secondary server with a free smartermail license that is on a network that is safe. I read something about Gateways in Smartermail

On the primairy server i can enable a outbound gateway. I'm a little confused what the Smartermail gateway mode means and what i do need to configure on the secondary server

So ideally i would like that all the emails of my primairy server are routed through the smartermail instalation on the secondary instalation.

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Ben Rowland Replied
I am doing the same thing, and their instructions are very confusing.

On the primary server, you want to configure the outbound gateway setting. I found that the server address should be the domain name of the gateway server (not the ip address or you will see ssl warnings in your logs). Since my gateway server is a smartermail server as well, you also enable the smartermail gateway mode setting on that screen. I think the benefit of that setting is that it will show the number of messages in the spool per gateway server.

On the gateway server, you want to whitelist the primary server so that it can communicate / bypass spam filtering. (The instructions make it sound like you need to set up the outbound gateway on the gateway server.)

I also made the outbound gateway a "specific domains" type so then also had to go into the domains where I wanted to enable it and change their settings to use that outbound gateway.

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