Question asked by Diego Discacciati - Today at 9:55 AM
Holy cow...
SmarterMail Professional Build 9091 on a windows 2019 just moved 2 weeks ago.
I have automatic renewal...
Here is what I see:
certificate expires before the renewal date... WTF???
Why? Anybody had any experience with this, I mean did you see it happening?
Enclosing screen shot I could not believe my eyes.


2 Replies

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Diego Discacciati Replied
OK, now this is very odd... enclosing picture... 
in the certificate tab I have that problem (and on the email of course when I try to connect), however in the automatic certificate tab it seems ok.
There is a JSon file... should I deactivate the ssl, delete the jason file and repopulate the ssl?
I only have a handful of domains so I can do updates in DNS if I have to update the keys.

But also in the bindings. I use Let's encrypt certificates for the binding in IIS for any domainX.com and www.domainX.com on port 443.
In smartermail I set up certicficates requests for the following prefixes only:

  • autodiscover
  • imap
  • mail
  • pop
  • smtp
  • webmail
Anything I am doing wrong?

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
I wonder if the mismatch between the renewal date/expiration date is a byproduct of the move perhaps. Maybe you're getting data from both the new and old renewal procedures depending on the hostname you're looking at. I don't recommend deleting the JSON and repopulating it, this could lead to a large number of LE requests going out to renew/request certificates which could lead to you hitting some rate limiting. Can you submit a ticket on this so we can take a closer look please?
Kyle Kerst IT Coordinator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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