smartermail password policy compliance
Question asked by Chris Danks - 12/5/2014 at 2:44 AM
I have used this to send an email to all accounts that are not password compliant.
How would I get it to show the email address in question?
I want to tell the user that email address 'xyz@domain.com' is not complaint, however their is no option to insert email address. I am guessing everyone just assumed the email was spam and deleted it as not even 1% of people changed their password when the email was sent out yesterday.

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Chris,
This is actually an ongoing discussion in one of the Community threads about the password policy email. Our development team made some recent changes with this latest minor release, and they are still considering having a customizable template for system email notifications. You can read more about this here: http://portal.smartertools.com/community/a826/password-policy-violation-blank-sender.aspx
Hope this helps! 

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