550 No Such User on Incoming Gateway Build 9168
Problem reported by Scarab - 2/19/2025 at 10:44 AM
Ever since upgrading from SM Enterprise Build 9124 to 9168 we are getting a significant number of invalid "rsp: 550 No such user" on Incoming Gateways when the user does in fact exist on the Primary. It seems intermittent as it is not rejecting email to a particular sender all the time, but it occurring most frequently with a small handful of accounts.

What we have done to try and resolve this is as follows:

  • Rebooted both the Primary and Incoming Gateway
  • Stopped the MailService.exe on both Incoming Gateway and Primary and after restarting the Primary started the Incoming Gateway to make sure that there are no wrongfully cached entries in the SmartHostCache due to the Primary being temporarily unavailable to the Incoming Gateway.
  • Stopped the MailService.exe on the Incoming Gateway and manually deleted any files located in the \Smartermail\Service\Settings\SmartHostCaches\ directory
  • Switched the Incoming Gateway from "SMTP User Verification" to "Web Service Verification"
  • Rebuilt the Folders on the accounts affected.
  • Detached the User and Reattached User for the accounts affected.
Other things to note: 

  • SmarterMail on the Primary appears to have a Memory Leak. It is frequently running at 100% Memory (128GB) after > 24-48 hours of use. Important: This seems to have been resolved after adding MaxUserPort and TcpTimedWaitDelay keys to HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters so it may have been a Port Exhaustion issue.
  • Lots of  Category: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel EventId: 22 that read As of "02/19/2025 14:28:57 +00:00", the heartbeat has been running for "00:00:06.2613280" which is longer than "00:00:01". This could be caused by thread pool starvation. These events are only appearing on the Primary. CPU is avg of 10% and max of 25% (in Windows, not in SmarterMail which reports 0% CPU since updating to most recent version).
  • We are running Windows Server 2022 on Primary and Windows Server 2019 on Incoming Gateway.
Before opening a Support Ticket or rolling back to previous version, any ideas of what else I should check?

3 Replies

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Scarab Replied

Although CPU & Memory usage are both significantly higher than previous versions, both still look to be within acceptable parameters.

I was able to resolve the "Category: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel EventID:22" warnings by increasing the MAX INDEXING THREADS under TROUBLESHOOTING > OPTIONS > PERFORMANCE TUNING from 6 to 30 (server has 32 Cores). Have not had this warning appear in the Windows logs since.

The SETTINGS > GATEWAYS > SMARTERMAIL GATEWAY > WEB SERVICE VERIFICATION resulted in 100% of all inbound email to be rejected with "rsp: 550 No such user here". We immediately went back to "SMTP USER VERIFICATION" instead and will settle for the intermittent "rsp: 550 No such user here".

Almost all of the intermittent "rsp: 550 No such user here" appear to be from legitimate Bulk Mail providers such as MailChimp, Sailthru, MandrillApp, SparkpostMail (tough to troubleshoot as the SMTP logs show the same "rsp: 550 No such user here" for senders that are on the SETTINGS > SECURITY > BLACKLIST and SMTP BLOCKS).
Douglas Foster Replied
Awhile back, I learned that if recipient verification encounters a processingy error, it is considered equivalent to a confirmed reject.   I consider this unacceptable because it could cause your exact problem. I  have never been convinced that recipient verification is even a good idea, and it is definitely a bad idea if it can produce false rejects.   Turn it off 
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
I recommend getting a ticket submitted for this so we can collect additional details. We'll want to look at the full SMTP sessions for some example sessions to confirm whether there were other failures happening concurrently (like bad recipients being specified) and look for patterns. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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