"Treat as External Recipient" for mail adresses within the domain.
Question asked by Herbert Kramheller - 2/10/2025 at 6:56 AM
Is the topic title enough explanation?

There is a mail-address within the defined domain of smartermail, that should not be handled within smartermail. But actually sending a mail to this address, it looks like smartermail is looking for this account within smartermail, and I get a  "Remote Server returned: 'The recipient does not exist'" from the System Administrator
As i remember from hmailserver, there was a routing for such mailadresses to be sent external.
Any similiar possibility?

8 Replies

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Herbert Kramheller Replied
Hmm... nobody any idea?
Without this option smartermail can not be my tool :-(
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post

You can take a look at the "Inbound Message Delivery" setting, located on the domain's Options tab when logged in as a System Administrator. Here's a link to some information about the setting in our help documentation:

Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Herbert Kramheller Replied
Hi Andrew, thx 4 answer.
Just tried: switched to "External (use MX record)" and activated "Deliver locally if user exists"
Think its the right way. What do I see: Mails to existing users are delivered internal as expected. Mails to the "external hosted mailadress" are not rejected with unknown user.
But are not delivered. Think I have to configure a default smtp-route for this? right? Hope i will find this ;-)
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post

Can you check the Delivery Logs to see why the message was not delivered to the external host? To review the logs please go to Settings -> Troubleshooting -> View Logs [tab]

The log type will default to Delivery and you can hit search it this happened today or adjust thee date as needed, you can further refine the search by the receipt address and enable "Display Related Traffic" to get the full SMTP session. 
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Herbert Kramheller Replied
Hi Tony,
here is the matching part: 
[2025.02.12] 11:21:20.509 Delivery server started at 12.02.2025 11:21:20
[2025.02.12] 11:21:20.658 Updating ClamAV database...
[2025.02.12] 11:21:21.416 [45563000] Delivery started for yyy@xxx.de at 11:21:21
[2025.02.12] 11:21:24.434 [45563000] Added to SpamCheckQueue (1 queued; 0/30 processing)
[2025.02.12] 11:21:24.446 [45563000] [SpamCheckQueue] Begin Processing.
[2025.02.12] 11:21:24.948 [45563000] Blocked Sender Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 11:21:25.062 [45563000] Spam Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 11:21:25.064 [45563000] Spam Checks skipped: User authenticated
[2025.02.12] 11:21:25.064 [45563000] Spam Checks completed.
[2025.02.12] 11:21:25.065 [45563000] Removed from SpamCheckQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2025.02.12] 11:21:30.981 [45563000] Added to RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 0/50 processing)
[2025.02.12] 11:21:30.981 [45563000] [RemoteDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
[2025.02.12] 11:21:30.995 [45563000] Sending remote mail from yyy@xxx.de
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.219 [45563000] MXRecord count: '2' for domain 'xxx.de'
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.219 [45563000] Attempting MXRecord Host Name: 'mx01.ionos.de', preference '10', Ip Count: '1'
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.219 [45563000] Attempting to send to MXRecord 'mx01.ionos.de' ip: ''
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.221 [45563000] Sending remote mail to: yyy@xxx.de
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.222 [45563000] Initiating connection to
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.240 [45563000] Connecting to (Id: 1)
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.263 [45563000] Connection to from succeeded (Id: 1)
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.297 [45563000] RSP: 554-kundenserver.de (mxeue103) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.312 [45563000] RSP: 554-No SMTP service
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.312 [45563000] RSP: 554-Invalid DNS PTR resource record
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.313 [45563000] RSP: 554 For explanation visit https://postmaster.1und1.de/en/case?c=r0602&i=ip&v=
[2025.02.12] 11:21:31.314 [45563000] CMD: QUIT
Smartermail is imho taking the smtp-information from the user, that wants to send out, right?
Is there any wrong definition in the user-> connectivity -> SMTP-Account?
My knowledge in this area is somehow poor :-(
(Pop retrieval is working fine)
Herbert Kramheller Replied
New infos:
Sending a mail from Webmail (Impersonate User -> New ....) was delivered with this log:
[2025.02.12] 19:22:52.197 [12047003] Delivery started for smartermail1@mydomain.de at 19:22:52
[2025.02.12] 19:22:55.235 [12047003] Added to SpamCheckQueue (1 queued; 0/30 processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:22:55.235 [12047003] [SpamCheckQueue] Begin Processing.
[2025.02.12] 19:22:55.235 [12047003] Blocked Sender Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 19:22:55.283 [12047003] Spam Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 19:22:55.283 [12047003] Spam Checks skipped: User authenticated
[2025.02.12] 19:22:55.283 [12047003] Spam Checks completed.
[2025.02.12] 19:22:55.283 [12047003] Removed from SpamCheckQueue (0 queued or processing)

Sending from the same account from Outlook No delivering with this log:
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.400 [12047001] Added to RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 0/50 processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.400 [12047001] [RemoteDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.400 [12047001] Sending remote mail from smartermail1@mydomain.de
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.401 [12047001] MXRecord count: '2' for domain 'mydomain.de'
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.401 [12047001] Attempting MXRecord Host Name: 'mx00.ionos.de', preference '10', Ip Count: '1'
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.401 [12047001] Attempting to send to MXRecord 'mx00.ionos.de' ip: ''
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.401 [12047001] Sending remote mail to: info@mydomain.de
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.401 [12047001] Initiating connection to
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.401 [12047001] Connecting to (Id: 1)
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.420 [12047001] Connection to from succeeded (Id: 1)
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.451 [12047001] RSP: 554-kundenserver.de (mxeue001) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.452 [12047001] RSP: 554-No SMTP service
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.452 [12047001] RSP: 554-Invalid DNS PTR resource record
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.452 [12047001] RSP: 554 For explanation visit https://postmaster.1und1.de/en/case?c=r0602&i=ip&v=88..103.215&r=1MQwfn-1u3xas1wYx-00SWhS
[2025.02.12] 19:29:09.452 [12047001] CMD: QUIT
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.463 [12047001] Attempt to ip, '' success: 'False'
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.463 [12047001] Attempting MXRecord Host Name: 'mx01.ionos.de', preference '10', Ip Count: '1'
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.463 [12047001] Attempting to send to MXRecord 'mx01.ionos.de' ip: ''
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.463 [12047001] Sending remote mail to: info@mydomain.de
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.463 [12047001] Initiating connection to
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.463 [12047001] Connecting to (Id: 2)
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.485 [12047001] Connection to from succeeded (Id: 2)
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.525 [12047001] RSP: 554-kundenserver.de (mxeue101) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.525 [12047001] RSP: 554-No SMTP service
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.525 [12047001] RSP: 554-Invalid DNS PTR resource record
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.525 [12047001] RSP: 554 For explanation visit https://postmaster.1und1.de/en/case?c=r0602&i=ip&v=88..103.215&r=1MQONL-1u4VIJ2Dg1-00WMpT
[2025.02.12] 19:29:14.525 [12047001] CMD: QUIT
[2025.02.12] 19:29:19.561 [12047001] Attempt to ip, '' success: 'False'
[2025.02.12] 19:29:19.561 [12047001] Removed from RemoteDeliveryQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:29:52.011 [12047005] Delivery started for smartermail1@mydomain.de at 19:29:52
[2025.02.12] 19:29:55.057 [12047005] Added to SpamCheckQueue (1 queued; 0/30 processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:29:55.057 [12047005] [SpamCheckQueue] Begin Processing.
[2025.02.12] 19:29:55.058 [12047005] Blocked Sender Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 19:29:55.129 [12047005] Spam Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 19:29:55.129 [12047005] Spam Checks skipped: User authenticated
[2025.02.12] 19:29:55.129 [12047005] Spam Checks completed.
[2025.02.12] 19:29:55.129 [12047005] Removed from SpamCheckQueue (0 queued or processing)
Sending from Outlook over the same account to an email-address from a different domain, works too.
[2025.02.12] 19:33:24.923 [12047006] Delivery started for smartermail1@mydomain.de at 19:33:24
[2025.02.12] 19:33:27.968 [12047006] Added to SpamCheckQueue (1 queued; 0/30 processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:33:27.968 [12047006] [SpamCheckQueue] Begin Processing.
[2025.02.12] 19:33:27.969 [12047006] Blocked Sender Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 19:33:28.035 [12047006] Spam Checks started.
[2025.02.12] 19:33:28.035 [12047006] Spam Checks skipped: User authenticated
[2025.02.12] 19:33:28.035 [12047006] Spam Checks completed.
[2025.02.12] 19:33:28.035 [12047006] Removed from SpamCheckQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.045 [12047006] Added to RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 0/50 processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.045 [12047006] [RemoteDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.046 [12047006] Sending remote mail from smartermail1@mydomain.de
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.073 [12047006] MXRecord count: '1' for domain 'otherdomain.de'
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.095 [12047006] Attempting MXRecord Host Name: 'mailgate.otherdomain.de', preference '5', Ip Count: '1'
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.095 [12047006] Attempting to send to MXRecord 'mailgate.otherdomain.de' ip: '.100.231.203'
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.095 [12047006] Sending remote mail to: hk@otherdomain.de
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.095 [12047006] Initiating connection to
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.095 [12047006] Connecting to .100.231.203:25 (Id: 1)
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.124 [12047006] Connection to .100.231.203:25 from succeeded (Id: 1)
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.199 [12047006] RSP: 220 mailgate.otherdomain.de ESMTP Smtpd; Wed, 12 Feb 2025 19:33:34 +0100
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.200 [12047006] CMD: EHLO File-Server2025
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-mailgate.otherdomain.de Hello [], pleased to meet you
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-PIPELINING
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-8BITMIME
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-SIZE 52428800
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-DSN
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-STARTTLS
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250-DELIVERBY
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.246 [12047006] RSP: 250 HELP
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.247 [12047006] CMD: STARTTLS
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.283 [12047006] RSP: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.359 [12047006] CMD: EHLO File-Server2025
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.481 [12047006] RSP: 250-mailgate.otherdomain.de Hello [], pleased to meet you
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.481 [12047006] RSP: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.481 [12047006] RSP: 250-PIPELINING
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.481 [12047006] RSP: 250-8BITMIME
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.481 [12047006] RSP: 250-SIZE 52428800
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.481 [12047006] RSP: 250-DSN
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.482 [12047006] RSP: 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.482 [12047006] RSP: 250-DELIVERBY
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.482 [12047006] RSP: 250 HELP
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.487 [12047006] CMD: MAIL FROM:<smartermail1@mydomain.de> SIZE=2470
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.553 [12047006] RSP: 250 2.1.0 <smartermail1@mydomain.de>... Sender ok
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.553 [12047006] CMD: RCPT TO:<hk@otherdomain.de> NOTIFY=FAILURE
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.584 [12047006] RSP: 250 2.1.5 <hk@otherdomain.de>... Recipient ok
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.584 [12047006] CMD: DATA
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.616 [12047006] RSP: 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.787 [12047006] RSP: 250 2.0.0 51CIXYJK016330-51CIXYJM016330 Message accepted for delivery
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.787 [12047006] CMD: QUIT
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.823 [12047006] RSP: 221 2.0.0 mailgate.otherdomain.de closing connection
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.823 [12047006] Attempt to ip, '' success: 'True'
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.824 [12047006] Process delivery status notification step from recipient success. Recipient: [hk@otherdomain.de], Notify: [], LastError: [], RanDomainFilter: [False], RanGlobalFilter: False
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.824 [12047006] Delivery for smartermail1@mydomain.de to hk@otherdomain.de has completed (Delivered)
[2025.02.12] 19:33:34.824 [12047006] Removed from RemoteDeliveryQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2025.02.12] 19:33:37.085 [12047006] Removing Spool message: Killed: False, Failed: False, Finished: True
[2025.02.12] 19:33:37.085 [12047006] Delivery finished for smartermail1@mydomain.de at 19:33:37	[id:12047006]
But this looks, as if the mail was directly sent from Smartermail, without using my provider as relay...
-> confused

Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post

Looking at the first example the connection is going out to a server with SMTP support on port 25. 

[45563000] Connection to from succeeded (Id: 1)
[45563000] RSP: 554-kundenserver.de (mxeue103) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available
[45563000] RSP: 554-No SMTP service
[45563000] RSP: 554-Invalid DNS PTR resource record
[45563000] RSP: 554 For explanation visit https://postmaster.1und1.de/en/case?c=r0602&i=ip&v=
[45563000] CMD: QUIT
This session is authenticated so it should use the gateways set up for the authenticated domain ( if there is a gateway set up ) 

If there is no gateway then the message will be set to the MX record for the domain of the recipient and if no MX record is found it will be sent to the Host(A) record. 

For the one that is failing to send, are you using a gateway? If not, do you have custom DNS servers set up? To check for a custom DNS server you can go to Settings -> General -> Server Info [card]. If this is blank then the DNS servers on the NIC are used. 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Herbert Kramheller Replied
OMG... life could be so easy sometimes: I setup a gateway, played with different paramters (Mode and so on..)
But the key fact was to activate the gateway for the domain.^^ (Thanx to Jorel Haggard in my other thread)
I see, that mails are now delivered. from webmail and from outlook :-)
(And now I understand the words from Andrew Barker)
If you can use the gateway configuration, it also simplifies things for the users. When using SMTP Accounts for each user, it would only really work when using the web mail interface, and the users would need to choose to send from the SMTP account for each message. Using the Gateway, it would work whether the users are sending from the web interface or from a client, and it would be seamless to the users.

I delete now the smtp accounts of the user mailboxes, because they hopefully use the gateway for delivering mails to my provider.
Tomorrow I will crosscheck all possibilities

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