Mailing list throttling?
Question asked by Mark Thornton - 1/29/2025 at 3:07 PM
Build 9049

I sent several messages to a mailing list in my domain today and two of them got caught in the spool with a comment of throttling. The first two messages that did go through were under 2 MB with attachments. The last two that were 4.7 and 4.8 MB with attachments got stuck. I was able to release them, but can't figure out why they got hung up. I haven't found any record of throttling in my logs yet. I read the help file on throttling and it indicates this is set at the domain level. Looking there I see mailing lists are allowed 512000 KB. My math indicates that is 512 MB which is long way from 4.8 MB.

What am I missing?

2 Replies

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Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
It sounds like you may be looking at the Max Message Size setting on the Mailing Lists card of the Options page that is accessible by System Administrators. That setting is in KB, and defaults to the value you indicated, while the throttling settings - located on the Priority and Throttling card of the Options page - are in MB and messages per hour. Mailing lists are also subject to their own throttling limits, which is specified on each list's Options page.

Also, keep in mind that throttling limits are aggregate limits. SmarterMail doesn't just look at the size of the message being throttled, but also all other messages sent by the domain and mailing list over the past hour. To estimate how long it will take a mailing list to send out a message to all subscribers, it isn't enough to know the size of the message, you also need to know how many subscribers the message is being sent to.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mark Thornton Replied
The mail list in question contains only local addresses, internal to the server. I "assumed" outbound meant outbound from the server to the internet. I haven't had issues with throttling before so I think I am going to leave my defaults on the domain as they are and adjust the few users that will be sending messages with attachments to the internal lists to allow higher bandwidth but limit my exposure to a compromised client blasting the world, or a user making poor life choices.

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