Yes, I can really see the value in this. We work with a number of smaller organizations and the users are typically case managers and not really power computer users to recognize fake emails and phishing attempts. Recently our server and multiple domains have been getting hit with fake admin emails like :
"your mailbox is full and has been restricted. Please login and verify your account to lift the restrictions."
Just yesterday one of the staff of a non profit almost fell for it. She did in fact click on the links and started to log in, she then said she noticed something that made her question it and then contacted me directly. She forwarded me the emails as she was not sure it was really from us, but the damage may have been done.
When I used FireFox to try to click on that same link, (we do investigate what they do and where they go) Firefox responded with a red screen saying it was a scam website. I dont know how many others in her org got hit with the same email,
What would be nice is to be able to catch those and even potentially redirect them to a page we control instead. "This link was sending you to a scammers website. We intercepted it. Stop clicking on things and verify the info with us first !" - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !