New IP Bindings Fail
Question asked by Al Weedman - 1/20/2025 at 8:51 AM
Hi. We're running the later SM version on a Windows server. We changed the IP address. Incoming email is fine. Outbound fails binding to other servers (I've tested MS, Yahoo, Gmail). There's nothing descriptive in the SMTP log. In the Delivery Log a sample of what I get:

"22:24:54.249 [06610003] Binding to local IP ##.250.186.44 (Id: 47)
22:24:54.249 [06610003] Binding to local IP ##.250.186.44 failed.
22:25:14.249 [06610003] Timeout connecting to (Id: 47)
22:25:14.249 [06610003] Previous connection attempt failed. Attempting again with primary local ip"

I believe the bindings have been set correctly in Settings-->Bindings-->Ports. 

The local IP shown though is the old server IP, not the new, could this be what the issue is? If so, where else is the IP address updatedable in SM? I can't find any other setting than in the Bindings and:

On the Manage-->Domains-->Options I see Outbound IPv4 but it says, "Outbound IPv4 has been set in system protocol settings, so this value will be ignored."

Thanks for any help

4 Replies

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Sébastien Riccio Replied

Can you check under Settings -> Protocols -> SMTP Out if the Outbound IPv4 is maybe still the old IP ?

Kind regards
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Al Weedman Replied
That was it. I was scrolling down the screen as I went through the pages. Thanks!! I'm now getting Timeouts:

11:00:56.560 [80297001] Initiating connection to
11:00:56.560 [80297001] Connecting to (Id: 1)
11:00:56.560 [80297001] Binding to local IP #.225.215.162 (Id: 1)
11:01:16.561 [80297001] Timeout connecting to (Id: 1)

It doesn't matter who the recipient is. Any suggestions on this one? The PTR record is set with the internet provider, so I don't think it is that.
Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post

This behavior typically occurs when port 25 is blocked. I recommend checking your windows firewall and other firewalls. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Al Weedman Replied
Ah, makes sense once again!

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