Storing SmarterMail Logs in Domain-Specific Folders: Workaround for Custom Log Management
Question asked by Pusparaj Raut - 1/19/2025 at 10:05 PM
I am currently using SmarterMail, and I’ve noticed that by default, all logs are stored in the C:\SmarterMail\Logs directory. The logs for both users and domains are stored together in this location.
I would like to know if there is any workaround or method to store the logs for each domain separately within its own domain folder. Specifically, I would like the logs for each domain to be saved within its own directory under C:\SmarterMail\Domains\<domain-name>\logs, instead of the centralized Logs folder.
Is there an option in SmarterMail or a way to configure the system to direct each domain’s logs to its respective folder, or would this require custom scripting or API integration?
Any advice or best practices for managing domain-specific logs in a more organized way would be greatly appreciated!

2 Replies

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello Pusparaj Raut, 

Right now SmarterMail does not split up the logs by domain. So if you look at the SMTP log it will include all SMTP traffic into the server for all domains. The same for the Delivery Logs, this has all the External SMTP Deliveis and local deliveries and is not separated per domain. 

If you wanted to break them up you could as long as you do not remove the original file. The configured location (Settings -> General -> Paths) is the only place that we look for logs when using the Troubleshooting -> View Logs section. 

You could parse each log the next day and write out a new log with domain-specific entries to a location of your choice if you need Domain-specific entries. 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Douglas Foster Replied
This is not practical.  The SMTP chatter is logged as it occurs, and the domain is not known until partway through the process.    Then there is the problem of a single message with recipients in multiple domains on your server.

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