Getting shitloads of these after upgrading from 8930 to 9112
Problem reported by Brian Bjerring-Jensen - 12/18/2024 at 3:17 AM

Why is there an HTML attachment in the mail? (webmail)

And why is the danish characters wrong? Server is using UFT8 and the client is Outlook.

5 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
And once again....

When there is ÆØÅ in the mail header it goes away.

Fuck this shit... downgrading to 8930..... again.
Brian A. Replied
I'm getting TONS of junk mail now after a recent update. I'm not sure if it was 9112 or not.
Employee Replied
Employee Post

I find it unlikely that the upgrades would have much of an affect on your spam filtering, but that's something we should get to the bottom of. Please submit a ticket for this so we can investigate.
Brian A. Replied
I submitted a ticket after getting blasted today.
Brian A. Replied
It turns out that 9119 fixes a problem whereby the sniffer doesn't start in 9112. 9119 did fix this sniffer not starting problem, thereby reducing the amount of SPAM getting through to the inboxes.

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