[NotOriginatingServer] Remote server does not support SMTPUTF8 in delivery logs
Problem reported by Sébastien Riccio - 10/25/2024 at 12:17 AM

I noticed in our delivery logs, that some mails (looks like system messages) are discarded because it triggers "Remote server does not support SMTPUTF8".

This is correct because I disabled SMTPUTF8 support on our outgoing gateway, because since SmarterMail started to support SMTPUTF8 we had a lot of delivery trouble (but this is another topic).

However, I don't understand why SmarterMail requires SMTPUTF8 to relay these messages to our gateway.

I don't see any chars here in these enveloppe addresses that would require the use of SMTPUTF8 ?
I also noticed this happens when the From or To contains a tilda char (~) which also doesn't seems to require SMTPUTF8.

Any clue on what could be wrong ?

Unfortunately as they are system messages, I'm not aware of a way to capture the corresponding hdr or eml file as it is removed from spool right away after it fails.

Example delivery log:

[2024.10.25] 07:16:43.001 [55807286] Delivery started for EMPTY (via bypass) at 07:16:43
[2024.10.25] 07:16:43.001 [55807286] Spool message was missing Return-Path; Also missing FROM header. If this is a system message this is normal behavior.
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.016 [55807286] Added to SpamCheckQueue (0 queued; 2/60 processing)
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.016 [55807286] [SpamCheckQueue] Begin Processing.
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.016 [55807286] Blocked Sender Checks started.
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.017 [55807286] Blocked Sender Checks completed.
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.017 [55807286] Spam Checks started.
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.017 [55807286] Spam Checks skipped: User authenticated
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.017 [55807286] Spam Checks completed.
[2024.10.25] 07:16:46.018 [55807286] Removed from SpamCheckQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2024.10.25] 07:16:49.022 [55807286] Added to LocalDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 1/150 processing)
[2024.10.25] 07:16:49.022 [55807286] [LocalDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
[2024.10.25] 07:16:49.024 [55807286] Starting local delivery to info@some-domain.com
[2024.10.25] 07:16:49.027 [55807286] Delivery for EMPTY to info@some-domain.com has completed (Forwarded Delivered) Filter: None
[2024.10.25] 07:16:49.027 [55807286] End delivery to info@some-domain.com (MessageID: <9d0f57f064964a3d85d7631735f29b5e@b3dd32786b75488ebc25ef0fe1fd5b6b>)
[2024.10.25] 07:16:49.027 [55807286] Removed from LocalDeliveryQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.089 [55807286] Added to RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 1/100 processing)
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.089 [55807286] [RemoteDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.089 [55807286] Sending remote mail from 
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.091 [55807286] Spam check results: [_CUSTOMRULES: ]
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.092 [55807286] ARecord count: '1' for domain 'mta-gw.swisscenter.net'
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.092 [55807286] Attempting ARecord Host Name: 'mta-gw.swisscenter.net', preference '1', Ip Count: '1'
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.092 [55807286] Attempting to send to ARecord 'mta-gw.swisscenter.net' ip: ''
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.092 [55807286] Sending remote mail to: some_user@hotmail.com
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.092 [55807286] Initiating connection to
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.092 [55807286] Connecting to (Id: 1)
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.092 [55807286] Binding to local IP (Id: 1)
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.093 [55807286] Connection to from succeeded (Id: 1)
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.129 [55807286] RSP: 220 mta-gw.swisscenter.net ESMTP Haraka/3.0.2 ready
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.130 [55807286] CMD: EHLO mail01.swisscenter.com
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.160 [55807286] RSP: 250-mta-gw.swisscenter.net Hello mail01.swisscenter.com []Haraka is at your service.
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.160 [55807286] RSP: 250-PIPELINING
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.160 [55807286] RSP: 250-8BITMIME
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.160 [55807286] RSP: 250-SIZE 0
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.160 [55807286] RSP: 250 STARTTLS
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.161 [55807286] CMD: QUIT
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.192 [55807286] RSP: 221 mta-gw.swisscenter.net closing connection. Have a jolly good day.
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.192 [55807286] [NotOriginatingServer] Remote server does not support SMTPUTF8.
[2024.10.25] 07:17:19.192 [55807286] CMD: QUIT
[2024.10.25] 07:17:24.223 [55807286] Attempt to ip, '' success: 'True'
[2024.10.25] 07:17:24.224 [55807286] Delivery for info@some-domain.com to some_domain@hotmail.com has completed (Bounced)
[2024.10.25] 07:17:24.224 [55807286] Removed from RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued or processing)
[2024.10.25] 07:17:25.105 [55807286] Removing Spool message: Killed: False, Failed: False, Finished: True
[2024.10.25] 07:17:25.105 [55807286] Delivery finished for  at 07:17:25	[id:-1015055807286]
Kind regards.
Sébastien Riccio
System & Network Admin

1 Reply

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Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
SMTPUTF8 affects all of the MIME headers throughout the message, allowing any header to contain values which include non-ASCII UTF8 characters without using header encoding. When a messages originates with an account on the server, SmarterMail only looks at the local part of the email addresses in fields like To, From, Sender, CC, etc., in order to determine if the message requires SMTPUTF8.

On the other hand, if a message is received from another server and needs to be passed on, SmarterMail reviews all the message headers to determine if the message requires SMTPUTF8. This behavior is required by current standards, as a means to prevent breaking DKIM and ARC signatures when relaying a message.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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