Hello Josh,
What version of SmarterMail are you running? When I test this locally the bounce is during the SMTP session?
10:50:30.342 [][37118524] cmd: MAIL FROM:<fake_user@fake_doamin.tld> BODY=8BITMIME SMTPUTF8
10:50:30.342 [][37118524] senderEmail(1): fake_user@fake_doamin.tld
10:50:30.342 [][37118524] rsp: 250 OK <fake_user@fake_doamin.tld> Sender ok
10:50:30.342 [][37118524] Sender accepted. Weight: 0.
10:50:30.342 [][37118524] cmd: RCPT TO:<acquaintances.sbin.testing@ascholz.io>
10:50:30.346 [][37118524] acquaintances.sbin.testing@ascholz.io is disabled.
10:50:30.346 [][37118524] rsp: 551 <acquaintances.sbin.testing@ascholz.io> No such user here
10:50:30.349 [][37118524] disconnected at 10/1/2024 10:50:30 AM
In this case the user is set up as "Disabled (do not allow mail)". Running version 100.0.9035.22254 (Sep 26, 2024)
Tony Scholz
System/Network Administrator
SmarterTools Inc.