Since update to Build 9008 cannot accept appointments in Outlook email messages MAPI
Problem reported by Michael - 9/4/2024 at 4:10 PM
Being Fixed
Since update to Build 9008, when we get appointments we can no longer accept them inside the mail message. The accept / reject / tentative buttons appear for a moment and then go away.

The warning notes that "This meeting request was updated after this message was sent. You should open a later update or open the item on the calendar."

We can only accept when you open the event on the Outlook calendar.

We've opened support ticket, but so far support is not able to replicate.

Posting to the community to see if anyone else is affected or if this is somehow isolated to our environment. 

14 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
what version of outlook/build??
Oliver Replied

same problem with me!
I've had a ticket with ST for over a week, but unfortunately they can't reproduce the problem in their environment so far. They were able to reproduce it with the account I provided but are still looking for the error.

The error occurs when an invitation comes via an Exchange OnPrem or M365 and the account is integrated into Outlook via MAPI.

If it is integrated as IMAP, everything works without any problems.

Tested with
Outlook 2021 Version 2408 Build 17928.20114

Win Server 2022, SM version 9008, German version
Michael Replied
Hey Oliver
Yea that matches our experience. Interesting to hear that you're also having the problem.

We've so far only seen it when the sender is a MS 365 account or another user/domain on the same SM Server. Interesting... It seems to be when sender is Exchange related.

Doesn't seem to affect Gmail hosted accounts. When Gmail users send us Calendar events, the accept/reject/tentative buttons show as normal.

Brian Bjerring-Jensen most are using Outlook version: 2408 (Build 16.0.17928.201114 Click-to-Run)
Oliver Replied
That's exactly how it is for me.
Michael Replied
Hope the find the cause soon! I haven't heard back on my ticket in more than a day now. Tonight's release 9014 doesn't resolve.
Oliver Replied
Which version of Windows Server are you using?
Michael Replied
Oliver - we're running Windows Server 2016 Standard, Version 1607. I see from above that you guys are on Windows Server 2022.

I'm just pulling at straws... but I wonder if it potentially has something to do with time zone or time drift / sync?
Oliver Replied
So it can't be the Windows version if we are using different versions.

I had already suspected the time zone. Our server runs on UTC+0. Also tested with UTC+2 (our time zone) -> same problem.

I will try to create a test server over the weekend and reproduce the error to make it available to the ST team.
Michael Replied
Oliver - I heard back on my ticket. It sounds like support may have been able to replicate the issue. Wondering what else you found and/or if you have a separate ticket open? I'm surprised we're the only ones affected.
Oliver Replied

thanks for the info. I also recently received a message on my ticket from support that they were able to reproduce the problem.

My experience is that in most cases it takes a while until the error can be reproduced. It is certainly very difficult for ST to distinguish whether an error is due to a bug in the software or whether it is a misconfiguration by the customer.
Jereming Chen Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for your understanding. Replication can certainly be difficult because of all the different variables we have to consider. We ask to verify many things about the client's environment and configurations because we need to match these as closely as possible in our testing environment as any combination could be the source of the bug. 

In the case with these appointments, we have tried sending appointment invites between SmarterMail and Exchanges accounts synced over IMAP, MAPI, and EWS only to find we could not replicate until we sent from Exchange to a SmarterMail account that was synced over MAPI specifically. Even then it was originally inconsistent. I am glad we were able to replicate this for our Development team to implement a permanent fix for this issue.
Jereming Chen System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Michael Replied
Amazing news! 
Thanks for the deep dive here. Excited for the fix. 
Jereming Chen Replied
Employee Post
I just got word from our Development team. They have a fix they are working to implement and verify stability for the next public release. Keep an eye out for it in the coming days!
Jereming Chen System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Oliver Replied
Version 9021 installed today.

When an invitation comes from M365, this is now displayed correctly in Outlook.

However, if the invitation comes from Exchange, the invitation is still displayed incorrectly in Outlook.

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