Strange Message
Problem reported by Martin Schaible - 8/30/2024 at 5:55 AM
A customer received this message:

Disk Space notification

From unknown user
To: xxx#xxx.de

Your Mailbox at  xxx#xxx.de is 91% full.
First i had the idea, that this simple message is a phishing mail. Then i realized, that the mailbox is really almost full.

So jumped to the "System Messages". I wanted to change the message, that a user can be sure, that the notification is for real and from our server. 

I can't find this message in "System Messages". Where can this message be edited?


Kind regards


2 Replies

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Sébastien Riccio Replied
Hello Martin,

Have you checked in the Settings -> Events section of the admin UI ? It might be there.

Kind regards
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Martin Schaible Replied
Marked As Resolution
Hello Sébastien

Cool, i found the message there. Thank you!

The from-address points to "System Administrator" which results in "unknown user". I changed this to a real EMail-Address of my support account. 


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