Build 8979 (Aug 1, 2024) What are the outstanding tickets related to MAPI/EAS??
Question asked by Brian Bjerring-Jensen - 8/2/2024 at 2:38 AM

Build 8979 (Aug 1, 2024)

  • Added: Max booking time to scheduling.
  • Added: Trusted ARC Signer option or the ability to bypass ARC-Signature checks via whitelist.
  • Changed: Disable start chat and add contacts when you're viewing the users in an alias.
  • Changed: Modify outbound SMTP logic to only use SMTPUTF8 when it is required.
  • Fixed: Adding a category to a meeting that had previously been accepted triggered a new Accept message.
  • Fixed: Attachment missing extension for unnamed files in EWS.
  • Fixed: Chat in webmail fails to display user list for aliases if the alias has a Display Name.
  • Fixed: Deleting files in File Storage doesn't update other webmail windows.
  • Fixed: Improve the display of the View Availability modal for better readability.
  • Fixed: In alias group chats the username disappears when you refresh the page.
  • Fixed: Log searching breaks if clients local time is different than server time.
  • Fixed: Make it so you appear in the list of users in an alias in chats with your own status.
  • Fixed: Notifications not triggering for some messages in Webmail that had symbols.
  • Fixed: User is unable to receive emails due to contact not being able to be loaded.

    I need to hear of there is anything related to MAPI/EAS that is still at development for review regarding tickets from users??

    We cant handle more hickups and I want to know if this release doesnt introduce problems in regards to outlook users/MAPI and EAS on mobile devices.

6 Replies

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Nageswara Rao Anumolu Replied
Outlook is missing some mails. All accounts in a domain going blank. Don't use this build.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
Nageswra, please see the other thread where I respond to a concern you have.  It seems you have SmarterMail files be accessed by other processes.  Also, please be sure you're not using EAS with Outlook, Microsoft hasn't supported that for years in Outlook.  If you have issues after checking these things, please contact support and we will be happy to help you understand what is going on. 
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Nageswara Rao Anumolu Replied
I am using MAPI/EWS in outlook from very long time without any issues. Installation of build 8979 is the only change done in the last 3 days.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
The log exception you provided that shows another process is accessing your SmarterMail files could cause Unkown issues all throughout SmarterMail.  If you are unaware what process that is, please contact support so we can help you.  That would be the FIRST thing that needs to get resolved before looking at any other issue.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
J Lee Replied
Is the MAPI issue of missing emails fixed in this version? 
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
It doesnt seem so. Gabriele has installed 8979 on 4 servers and all had major issues.

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