Include Subfolders - Auto-Clean
Idea shared by Cris Mead - 7/8/2024 at 8:21 AM

I was thinking about a feature that would be helpful. For auto-clean there is no option in include subfolders. Seemingly, unless I missed something, one would have to create an auto-clean rule for each folder and each of this folder's subfolders.

It would be a decent feature to have the ability or a switch to "include subfolders" at domain / user level.

Thank you,
Cris Mead

2 Replies

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Dylan Kwan Replied
Employee Post
Hi Cris, I have escalated this as a feature request to development. 
Dylan Kwan IT Support and Systems Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

Yes the same problem is also with the recycle bin with the automatic cleanup. Subdirectories are ignored, which I cannot understand.

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