What does Activation ECHO A0 fail actually mean??
Question asked by Merle Wait - 7/2/2024 at 4:18 PM
So, i shouldn't have done it... but while I was waiting for a flight... just checked the status of of our SM Mail server.... Everything has been working fine.. but for grins (and because I was bored)... I did a diagnostic check.. and received:
Activation ECHO A0  Failure,  and Activation ECHO A1 Failure
What does this mean???   Our server seems to be working fine... our license is renewed several months ago....  SO???   

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Grady Werner Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
It literally just checks to see if the server can contact our activation services. However, some versions report false negatives with this check (a problem that has been rectified for future builds). Short answer is this: If you server activates fine, you don't need to worry about that check.
Grady Werner SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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