Email Setup: DKIM, DMARC, SPF, MTA-STS, TLS-RPT, TLS v3, One Click Unsubscribe - do you all use all of these?
Question asked by YS Tech - 7/1/2024 at 3:31 AM
There seems to be an ever-increasing amount of security setups that need to be implemented.
Is everyone using all of these and how are you doing with deliverability to places like Gmail and Yahoo and Outlook?
I have all but the MTA-STS setup but still have issues delivering to Gmail accounts. And yes, my spam score is Low also.

Does anyone have a setup that seems to work with Gmail deliverability?

7 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Yeah no problem here.... It could be your ISP thats an issue.
Douglas Foster Replied
If you send to a gmail account under your own control, you should be able to open a support ticket to ask why stuff is not getting through.   But I thought gmail rejection messages were pretty specific already.
We used to have all kinds of problems with gmail. Seems like we got it working pretty good now.
Do you have a PTR Record set up from the ISP ? They have to set it up, not you.
And are your domains all using SSL with something like lets Encrypt ?
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Reverse PTR is extremely important in relation to gmail and outlook.com.
YS Tech Replied
Hi, yes I have a PTR setup. All tests seem fine and return no issues with email setup apart from when I test using the Warmy.io test tools and all emails fail to reach the inbox of Gmail, G Suite and Outlook.
Obviously, they want me to sign up with them to find out why that is.
I thought I had everything setup ok, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, PTR, SSL, TLS v1.3, unsubscribe button, etc. but there must be something else.
Douglas Foster Replied
Also check mxtoolbox.com to see if you are on any blacklists    I know that Microsoft used Spamhaus as of a few years ago.
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Have you tested if your providers ASN is on a blacklist??

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