I have the following issue relating to the SSL Certificates.
I have exported a pfx as instructed in the SM instructions.
Process 1:
If I upload the pfx using the SSL Certificates page then it all goes into that area fine and displays the expiry and the "Active" status.
Now if I go to the Bindings page and try to bind this certificate to a port I get a "Not a valid certificate" warning and can't go any further, why?
Process 2:
If I place the pfx into the SM certificates folder on the server, it shows up in the SSL Certificates page but shows "Invalid Password", which I'm sure it will as I haven't entered one to get it onto that page.
I then go to the Bindings page and select that pfx file and enter the password and it goes in fine.
1) I've entered the password into the Bindings area, why doesn't the SSL Certificates page pick this up and mark it as "Active"?
2) I've uploaded via the SSL Certificates page and its showing the certificate as active, so why when I try to bind it does it say its an invalid certificate?