WHM/cPanel Plugin
Idea shared by Russ Miller - 6/19/2024 at 3:14 PM
I am reaching out to see if anyone has developed or is interested in developing a cPanel plugin that allows for the management of SmarterMail accounts directly within the cPanel interface.

Such a plugin would greatly streamline our operations by enabling us to manage email accounts, including adding and deleting accounts and aliases, as well as monitor disk space usage more accurately. Specifically, having the ability to combine web and email data for disk space usage would ensure that notifications for exceeding package limits are more precise and reflective of the overall usage. This integration would provide a seamless experience for our users.

Currently, we use the WHMCS module, but it does not fully meet our needs as it is primarily designed for email-only packages.

If anyone has already developed a solution or is interested in collaborating on this project, please let me know. This functionality would be a valuable addition to our hosting services and likely benefit many others in the community.

Alternatively, and more preferably, it would be ideal if SmarterTools could develop such a plugin. However, it doesn't appear to be on their current agenda.

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