Green dot is a spinner on my nginx VM.
Problem reported by Patrick Jeski - 5/17/2024 at 1:57 PM
I’m seeing an odd issue with my nginx install that I don’t see on my SmarterMail web server install. In the webmail client, the green dot that I’m not sure what means is a spinner on the nginx server, but turns green promptly on the SmarterMail web server. 

3 Replies

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hey Patrick, 

Thanks for reporting this issue. 
I have a few questions. 

  1. What version are you running?
  2. Can you show a screenshot of the issue?
  3. Can you please provide a copy of your Nginx reverse proxy configuration?
  4. What steps do you need to take to replicate the issue?

Looking forward to hearing from you. If you would like you can open a ticket for this issue as well and provide this information. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Patrick Jeski Replied
I'll submit this with a ticket tomorrow.

Patrick Jeski Replied
So I got it worked out using a simple but reportedly working .conf file that ST provided, comparing it to my site file, and making the appropriate changes. It works as expected now for two domains and one other login not associated with a domain.

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