When sending to a mailing list can I set the reply to address?
Question asked by YS Tech - 5/10/2024 at 6:13 AM
I have an issue where I have an admin area where various admins send mailshots out to members. The problem is that the reply to address is the same as the sending address, even if I set the reply to address in that email.
I know I can set it specifically from within SM, but if I'm sending the to mailing list from a form that will always be the same address, can I set it to any of the 5 sending admins addresses so members can reply to the correct person (instead of the noreply@ address or the sending address)?

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post

If you click on the mailing list from within webmail, you'll see the following settings: 
As you can see, there's a field for the list's Reply-To address. You can set this to the list address, the poster address, or a custom address. It sounds like you might see good results setting it to the address of one of your moderators or admins. Let me know if this helps! 
YS Tech Replied
Hi, I am aware of this setting but if there are a number of addresses I need the reply to to be then this doesn't work.

I use a web form that creates a template that gets sent from say website@thedomain.com
This can be sent from several different people (different admins have access to this form) who all have different addresses. I set the reply to on the web form sending code but as it's sent from website@thedomain.com SM always has this as the reply to address and not the person that's sent the post.
If SM had a setting that took the reply-to address and used that, this would all work a treat.


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