Frequent Spinning Donut on Web UI
Problem reported by Jay Dubb - 4/8/2024 at 7:04 AM
A few weeks ago we finally upgraded from the old version (8451 from Feb 2023) to the new version.  Ever since then, we've received some complaints-- and have noticed ourselves-- that browsing to a page in the web interface results in a partial page load (usually the underlying page template) but the main content (mailbox contents, admin options, etc) never load.  It's just a perpetual spinning donut.  But refresh the page, and everything immediately loads fully.

Server load doesn't seem to matter.  Even late at night when the system is nearly idle, minimal traffic, it's the same behavior, so it is clearly not a system-load issue.  In the daytime, on the new version the system almost never goes above 10% CPU or 60% RAM, and the disk subsystem has a ton of available headroom, so there's never a time when it's under anything more than light to moderate load.

It was exceedingly rare for this to happen under the old versions.  Wondering if anyone else is noticing this.

4 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Do you see this on specific accounts more often than not? I wonder if perhaps those problematic accounts have some commonality like number of folders or calendar structure, etc. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mark Johnson Replied
what version are you running?
Jay Dubb Replied
@Kyle - it seems to be random, and not just user accounts.  It happens when browsing (as system admin) to a domain settings page, when impersonating a user, pretty much any task.  It seems to be completely random and transient.  Hitting Reload on a page immediately causes it to load... then no further problems for a while... until it happens again somewhere else.

@Mark Johnson - it started when we upgraded from 8451 to 8839, then 8846, and now 8860.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Interesting, thanks Jay Dubb. It sounds like there might be something going on there! Do you see any recurring errors in the Event Viewer on the SmarterMail server? Are there any web application firewalls or other security installations that sit between the SM server and the internet?
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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