Build 8747 BlackList entry issue
Problem reported by Jay Altemoos - 3/20/2024 at 10:15 AM
So I uncovered some odd behaviour today with the Blacklist located under Settings -> Security -> Blacklist. I have an entry in the Blacklist that was there from V15 when we upgraded last year to the latest build, our current build is 8747, I went to edit it today because I want to have those IPs blocked from any communication on our server. So I edit the rule and flag all the options and save. Visually on screen the extras I flagged do not change.

So I try deleteing the entry, it will not delete. I try to edit the rule and nothing changes. The IPs I have in there are 3 seperate IPs separated by a comma. If I take out all but one IP and save, the Blacklist just creates another single entry for the IP. I exported out the entire list to JSON except this entry. I deleted all the rules and everything deletes but this one rule. For the life of me I cannot delete it and I have a feeling it has to do with the IPs separted by a comma.

Where is the Blacklist stored? I checked C:\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service\Settings\settings.json but there is nothing in that file for the Blacklist. I do see a ip-access.bin in this folder but opening that with a text editor just shows me jibberish.

So what file are the entries I place in the Blacklist stored? That way I can just delete the bad entry and then re-import my exported list. This is driving me nuts right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

3 Replies

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Jay Altemoos Replied
Any ideas here?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hey Jay! I think these blacklist entries have historically been saved in the settings.json file, but may have been moved to the sbin file for performance reasons (to account for environments with large blacklist/whitelist entries.) So, I'm thinking we may need to take a closer look at this for you. Can I have you submit a ticket with remote access so we can take a look at this for you?
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Jay Altemoos Replied
Good morning Kyle,
Sorry for the late reply on this, I was out of the office last week. I created a ticket with RSAA for this. I look forward to see what is found.

Thank you.

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