Build 8839 still has SSL certificate problems causing crash
Problem reported by Roger - 3/17/2024 at 6:56 AM
Unfortunately, even with the latest version of SmarterMail, I still have problems in that when a certificate is generated, the entire environment for all customer domains goes offline.

I use the central certificate store as recommended. After he had solved the certificate for a domain for me today, he wrote me a new line under %windir%\System32\inetsrv\config in the applicationHost.config file for the HTTPS entry of the domain but with sslFlag 1 and not sslFlag 3 .

This has brought everything to a standstill for me today. Because I had exactly this problem a little over a week ago and didn't know what was going on, I had to solve an incident ticket for over $300 and was able to experience it myself today, reconstruct it and report it in a ticket that had already been there for a long time.

What experiences have you had, has this already happened to any of you and have you found out what the causes could be?

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Ron Raley Replied
We rely on IIS for SSL generation and renewals. The SmarterMail certificate system is "too new" in my opinion. 

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