DNS errors that I don't understand
Problem reported by Mark Thornton - 3/15/2024 at 2:07 PM
Build 8664

I'm having a problem today with a domain I have been working with for the last year. I have gone onto the mail server and verified it can access dns and return valid results for the target domain. I have also verified using nslookup and the dns servers listed on the general settings page. How do I verify what SmarterMail is doing internally to retrieve dns information? How do I search for the solution?

[2024.03.15] 14:51:50.261 [32312228] Error in getting recipient A records. Message: LookupA.Exception: Query 12392 => xxxx.team IN A on timed out or is a transient error.
[2024.03.15] 14:51:50.261 [32312228] MXRecord count: '0' for domain 'xxxx.team'
[2024.03.15] 14:51:50.261 [32312228] Removed from RemoteDeliveryQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2024.03.15] 14:52:52.580 [32312228] Added to RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 1/50 processing)
[2024.03.15] 14:52:52.580 [32312228] [RemoteDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
[2024.03.15] 14:52:52.580 [32312228] Sending remote mail from mthornton@yyyy.com
[2024.03.15] 14:53:32.715 [32312228] Error in getting recipient A records. Message: LookupA.Exception: Query 42468 => xxxx.team IN A on timed out or is a transient error.
[2024.03.15] 14:53:32.715 [32312228] MXRecord count: '0' for domain 'xxxx.team'
[2024.03.15] 14:53:32.715 [32312228] Delivery for mthornton@yyyy.com to stacy@xxxx.team has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'xxxx.team' domain.
[2024.03.15] Status: 544 5.4.4 Host not found (not in DNS).14:53:32.715 [32312228] DSN email written to 32312231 with status failed to stacy@xxxx.team
[2024.03.15] 14:53:32.715 [32312228] Delivery for mthornton@yyyy.com to stacy@xxxx.team has completed (Bounced)
[2024.03.15] 14:53:32.715 [32312228] Delivery for mthornton@yyyy.com to robert@xxxx.team has bounced. Reason: Failed to connect to the recipient's mail server.  No DNS information was found for the 'xxxx.team' domain.
[2024.03.15] Status: 544 5.4.4 Host not found (not in DNS).14:53:32.730 [32312228] DSN email written to 32312232 with status failed to robert@xxxx.team

3 Replies

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SmP Replied
Try turning off DNS caching in SmarterMail as a first step!

Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Just a heads up, if you turn off caching your server will be making a lot more requests against your chosen DNS server. If lets say your getting rate-limit issues with DNS, turning off caching could make the problem worse.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mark Thornton Replied
Turns out the problem was a misconfiguration within office365 server madness. The tech at the target site fiddled with something and broke it but wasn't aware of the issue until later in the day. Whacked the tech and the emails started going through.

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