Hi Kyle, it looks like the local binding IP is not correct (it's one of my old IP's that hasn't been used for months).
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.667 [26911768] Sending remote mail from sending@domain.com
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.693 [26911768] MXRecord count: '1' for domain 'to.co.uk'
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.693 [26911768] Attempting MXRecord Host Name: 'to.co.uk', preference '10', Ip Count: '1'
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.693 [26911768] Attempting to send to MXRecord 'to.co.uk' ip: ''
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.693 [26911768] Sending remote mail to:to@to
.co.uk[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.693 [26911768] Initiating connection to xx.xx.xx.xx
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.693 [26911768] Connecting to xx.xx.xx.xx (Id: 1)
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.693 [26911768] Binding to local IP (Id: 1)
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.694 [26911768] Binding to local IP failed.
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.701 [26911768] Connection to xx.xx.xx.xx from mycurrentip succeeded (Id: 1)
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.765 [26911768] RSP: 220 domains.com ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.769 [26911768] CMD: EHLO mymailserver
It then gets to:
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.812 [26911768] CMD: STARTTLS
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.843 [26911768] RSP: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.867 [26911768] Certificate is expired as of 17/11/2021 12:43:09.
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.868 [26911768] Attempt to ip, 'xx.xx.xx.xx' success: 'False'
[2024.01.04] 00:30:38.868 [26911768] Removed from RemoteDeliveryQueue (0 queued or processing)
[2024.01.04] 02:46:15.385 [26912069] Added to RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 0/50 processing)
Checking the valid one that did send, this also tries to bind to that IP, but it sends successfully. So that's not the issue although it shouldn't be trying to bind to that IP (any idea why?)