The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Problem reported by Steve Gaston - 1/4/2024 at 4:06 AM
We upgraded to latest version. Prior to upgrading to new version our clients could use http://webmail.domain.com which would redirect to https://webmail.domain.com to access their webmail.

After the upgrade to the latest version we are greeted with a blank white page that says

"The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred."

Can someone advise on troubleshooting methods? Ive attempted what I can but have made no head way ...

I should add that the main portal page i.e. https://mail.maindomain.com works without any issue.

Could possibly be because the new Smartermail is not supported by Plesk ??

12 Replies

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Steve Gaston Replied
A partial workaround is by re-adding the old method of redirection via URL re-write.

Hope to hear back from someone

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Steve! Sorry to hear you're having trouble with this! We have seen a few environments that fail to download and/or configure one of the following items: 

- Application Request Routing module 
- URL Rewrite Module
- .NET 8 components

The error you're seeing could be caused by any one of these I believe, so I recommend checking each of them. To do that open up IIS and click on your server in the tree on the left, then click on the Application Request Routing module. Inside of there click on Server Proxy Settings on the right to see if its enabled and configured. If you see it turned on and using a timeout at the top of 1200 this should be in good shape. Next, click on the SmarterMail site in the tree on the left, then open up its URL Rewrite module from the middle. Inside of there, you should see two rules listed in the top pane, and if you click on View Server Variables you should see several headers listed here. Finally, open up your Programs and Features on the server and verify you see .NET 8 listed. 

If either of the first two are missing you should be able to follow the readme in our installation directory to correct those, whereas the last problem will require a manual download of those components which can be found by clicking the link in the error it logs to the Windows Event Viewer when SmarterMail fails to start up. If you encounter any errors correcting those you'll need to follow those up individually as well as we've seen some environments fail to deploy these components due to issues in the Windows installation itself. My bet though is that we're likely facing one of the first two possible culprits. 

We have a couple of development tasks ongoing to smooth these install operations further and make them more resilient to variations in customer environments so keep an eye out for our next release build for updates on that front as well. If you need a hand please don't hesitate to reach out!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Steve Gaston Replied
Hi Kyle, hope you are well and a Happy New year.

Ive checked all three and they seem to be as they should be, im posting the images below so you can see if anything is missing

Steve Gaston Replied
Hello ??
Ron Raley Replied
Steve, support on the forum is a favor and not required.

They did post a KB about this:
Steve Gaston Replied
Thats fully understood. Though I dont think its very thoughtful to get a response from a member of Smartermail, respond back to that person with regards to what they wrote and then not to receive a reply back.

Appreciate the link to the KB, will work my way through that.

OK, read the link, does not add anything new to what Kyle already suggested I look at.

Will double/triple check to see if I can spot anything else. Just dont want to be spending several hours troubleshooting when it may be out of my hands to fix it !
Steve Gaston Replied
When I attempt to test the connection through IIS I receive the following error on the MRS folder

"The server is configured to use pass-through authentication with a built-in account to access the specified physical path. However, IIS Manager cannot verify whether the built-in account has access. Make sure that the application pool identity has Read access to the physical path. If this server is joined to a domain, and the application pool identity is NetworkService or LocalSystem, verify that <domain>\<computer_name>$ has Read access to the physical path. Then test these settings again."

Looks like a permissions issue...

I added the main adminstrative account instead of using the "built-in" account. Using the adminstative account allows the test to "connect"

But this does not resolve the

"The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred."

echoDreamz Replied
You may be best served by opening a ticket. 
Gabriele Maoret - SERSIS Replied
Open a ticket and get official assistance!
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Steve Gaston Replied
Latest release did not resolve this issue.
Am yet to open a ticket, im just using the "old way" to redirect ......
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
I cant find the ARR module at all... despite on the latest version.

Steve Gaston Replied
Just reporting back that the latest Smartermail version has resolved this issue.

Did a preliminary test from home and is now working, will take a look again when i get to the office

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