Unusual High Disk IO from a specific email account
Question asked by Tony L - 12/27/2023 at 12:23 PM
Just wondering if anyone have seen similar issue before, and how they have solved it.

We have noticed a client accessing their email account through IMAP, and it was using high disk IO when ever it make changes on incoming email. Client does not have lots of email inside the inbox, and process would continue for hours. It seems the client is using Outlook.

[2023.12.27] 09:28:55 [client's IP][16868886] command: 5ve3 APPEND "INBOX" (\Seen \Flagged) "27-Dec-2023 10:09:46 -0500" {27052}
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] response: * 3275 EXISTS
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] response: 5ve3 OK [APPENDUID 1 621459] APPEND completed
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] command: rci8 NOOP
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] response: * 3275 EXISTS
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] response: rci8 OK NOOP completed
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] command: xr7v UID STORE 621458 +FLAGS.SILENT (\Deleted \Seen)
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] command: hzow NOOP
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] response: hzow OK NOOP completed
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] command: gn81 UID EXPUNGE 621458
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] command: mi5h NOOP
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] response: mi5h OK NOOP completed
[2023.12.27] 09:28:56 [client's IP][16868886] command: shje UID FETCH 621460:4294967295 (UID FLAGS RFC822.SIZE BODY.PEEK[] INTERNALDATE)

3 Replies

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post

What client(s) are being used?
How big is the mailbox?
Is it getting content email?

Anything else you can think of that might give us some insight so we can give some guidance.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Tony L Replied
Hi Tim,

We have not contact client yet as we are still trying to determine if this is a server issue, or client's side email client issue.

The email user mailbox is 3.61GB large, with around 3K messages inside the inbox. When the IO issue happened, it only opened the mail file (.grp file) from that day which was less than 20MB large, and we see the process continue to run for over hours when we monitored the IO process under Windows Task manager. Client had only 11 incoming email from that day, and the largest message was 226KB large, other messages were all less than 50KB.

We are using Smartermail version 15.7.6956 for this mail server. Thanks.

Douglas Foster Replied
With Outlook 2013, we had lots of problems with IMAP sync taking forever or failing 

If it is not an obsolete client, try "resync all protocols", as this feature solves sync problems even after creating a new profile does not 

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