High CPU with Mailbird desktop client and IMAP IDLE since upgrading to build 8747
Problem reported by Henry Raud - 12/21/2023 at 10:04 AM
I use the Mailbird desktop client in Windows with about 100 SmarterMail accounts, 5 Gmail accounts and 2 Rogers Yahoo accounts.  Everything was fine until I upgraded from SmarterMail build 8587 to build 8747.  

Since the upgrade, my Mailbird client's CPU usage jumped to an ongoing 85-95%. In Mailbird, there is a "SYNCING" indicator that now switches on and off in all of the SmarterMail account inboxes once every second instead of about every 30 seconds.

In SmarterMail admin, under Settings > Protocols, if I turn off the "Enable IDLE command" setting under IMAP, the Mailbird CPU usage drops to 5% and the ongoing "SYNCING" issue stops.

I suspect this is an issue with SmarterMail, not Mailbird, because this ongoing "SYNCING" behavior does not exist with my 5 Gmail account inboxes, nor my 2 Rogers Yahoo account inboxes.  Only with the SmarterMail account inboxes.  Furthermore, this issue did not exist until I upgraded SmarterMail to build 8747.

2 Replies

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post Marked As Resolution
It is resolved in a release that will be coming out this week.  Mailbird and Firefox look at some commands around IMAP Idle a bit differently than other clients but we were able to work around it.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Henry Raud Replied
I upgraded to Build 8755 and can confirm that the issue is now fixed. Thank you!

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