Build 8747 install problems with likely workaround
Problem reported by Douglas Foster - 12/19/2023 at 4:33 PM
Architectural change:  
SmarterMail now has an integrated web server, which runs on localhost:10017.   "Application Request Routing" is used to convert IIS into a web application firewall, with IIS providing the TLS interface to the outside world but not much else.  (Organizations that already have a WAF in front of SmarterMail may want to do extra testing to be certain that the double-WAF configuration works for them.)

I did two installs, and they both failed.   The first time I tried a lot of dumb stuff and wasted time.   ARR requires two supplement kits to be installed, and my evidence indicates that they are installed successfully.   But the ARR configuration did not get configured corrrectly in either case, cause a 500 error when I tried to connect.

If you follow the configuration instructions in the readme.md file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\MRS directory, you will probably have a working configuration.

7 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Douglas,

Thank you for posting. We're aware of this issue and are working hard to resolve it. Unfortunately, despite our many efforts, we have been unable to replicate the behavior. At this time, we are working to gather diagnostics on the affected servers so we can pinpoint a cause. (We appreciate all of those who are assisting in this review!) In the meantime, we have created the following knowledge base article to help affected customers overcome the problem. 

If anyone happens to experience this 500 error upon upgrade, you can use the article below to resolve it. That said, we would really appreciate if you still submit a support ticket so we can continue our diagnostics of your environment.

Kind regards,
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Douglas,

I wanted to add an update here that the release of Build 8755 addresses the issue with the IIS portion of the installation. We should no longer see this 500 error occurring after upgrade. 

Kind regards,
YS Tech Replied
I have just upgraded to v8762 and have the 500 error. If I show detailed errors then its:

HTTP Error 500.50 - URL Rewrite Module Error.

The server variable "HTTP_X_Forwarded_Host" is not allowed to be set. Add the server variable name to the allowed server variable list.

I've checked the ARR settings and all look to be setup correctly, so I'm not sure what the issue is?

YS Tech Replied
It looks like you need to add the following to every domain where you want the domain specific webmail:
Add the following:


Which is not ideal, luckily I don't have hundreds to do.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello YS Tech,

I'm sorry to hear that you encountered this problem on your upgrade. I'm going to start a support ticket with you so we can evaluate this further. 

Kind regards,
Ron Raley Replied
Just a favor, would you guys consider "pinning" this thread (or something similar) along with any other caveats on the newest build?  Not forever obviously.  But I found the KB Andrea provided after lots of searching.
YS Tech Replied
Andrea, I set up a main domain and then bound all the other webmails domains to that domain, so I only had to add HTTP_X lines once. So not too bad in the end.
This may have been due to selecting a different installation domain this time as a pose to the default website that I've always set it to. I might not have had the issue if I had just updated as I have previously. The only reason I did that was because of your notes that said this version needed a fully qualified domain, etc. to setup correctly.
Anyway all sorted now.

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