SmarterMail 8747 and Previous Betas/RC - "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object"
Problem reported by Bryan Zimmerman - 12/17/2023 at 6:17 AM
I recently upgraded from the last table SmarterMail 8664 to the recent betas, RC's, and now production 8747.  After upgrading, I am consistently running into "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object" when using the web client interface in various browsers.

The only way to rectify the issue when it occurs is to restart the SmarterMail service.

Could this please be looked into?

12 Replies

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Tarkan Replied
Sorry should have searched first, but I just posted a thread about this same issue.

Getting this constantly, when deleting from certain folders, some folders it does not occur.

Ron Raley Replied
This problem exists on SmarterMail Build 8664 as well (for us). We were hoping the newest install would fix it.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Usually the object reference errors you see are hinting towards a corrupted configuration file in a system, domain, or user level folder on disk. Do you see anything logged to the Error logging in SmarterMail regarding JSON files or or anything else that might point towards a specific user?
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Tarkan Replied
I am getting this in general error log, but no other errors in the other logs.

14:19:40.347 [MAIL SERVICE] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at SmarterMail.Protocols.IMAP.IMAPSession.RemoveMailboxDelegates()
   at SmarterMail.Protocols.IMAP.IMAPSession.IdleStatusDelegate(List`1 idList)
   at MailService.WCF.Messages.StoreMessageFlags(String callingUserEmail, String emailAddress, String folderName, UInt32[] uids, MessageFlagsUpdateData messageFlags, IWcfResult result, MailActionObject signalR, Boolean deleteClientChangeKeyInStore, PidCollectionFile pidsFile, Boolean updateChangeNumAlways)
   at MailService.WCF.Services.EMailService.PatchMessages(String emailAddress, String domain, String userName, MessageEditInput input) 14:19:40.370
Bryan Zimmerman Replied
I get the following in the generalErrors:

08:04:51.409 [MAIL SERVICE] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at SmarterMail.Protocols.IMAP.IMAPSession.RemoveMailboxDelegates()
   at SmarterMail.Protocols.IMAP.IMAPSession.IdleStatusDelegate(List`1 idList)
   at MailService.WCF.Messages.StoreMessageFlags(String callingUserEmail, String emailAddress, String folderName, UInt32[] uids, MessageFlagsUpdateData messageFlags, IWcfResult result, MailActionObject signalR, Boolean deleteClientChangeKeyInStore, PidCollectionFile pidsFile, Boolean updateChangeNumAlways)
   at MailService.WCF.Services.EMailService.<>c__DisplayClass14_1.<PatchMessages>b__0(MailActionObject mfObj)
   at MailService.WCF.Services.EMailService.PatchMessages(String emailAddress, String domain, String userName, MessageEditInput input) 

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Thank you, this will give me something to look for. So far I don't see this happening in any of our live test/production environments so will need to do some more testing on this and I'll keep you guys posted. Do these affected users have access to any shared folders/resources at the domain or user level?
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Tarkan Replied
So this is interesting, just rebooted the server after installing the latest updates via windows update, and it has stopped doing it.

I have noticed that after clicking delete on a few messages, there is a pause like it is going to popup the object not set error, but it does not and the green boxes appears that it has successfully deleted the message.

The pausing is a new thing, usually you can click away to delete, with no hold ups.
Bryan Zimmerman Replied
No shared folders or resources for my case.  I have observed that either restarting the machine or restarting just the service will rectify the problem for a period of time but then it will reoccur.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi all, 

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've started support tickets for the 3 of you so we can get more information / data and attempt to replicate these errors locally. 

Thank you, 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi all, 

I wanted to let you know that Build 8755 should have resolved the "Object reference" error that was being seen in the IMAP logs. 

Are any of you still experiencing the "Object reference" error in the web interface on Build 8755? I don't believe we've been able to replicate this behavior at this time. 

Kind regards,
Bryan Zimmerman Replied
Thank you for the followup.  I have not seen the error since updating to Build 8755.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for the update, Bryan! I'm glad to hear that. 

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