Send limit restriction
Question asked by Vicenç Masanas - 12/5/2023 at 10:11 AM
Hi I have a Smartermail 9.4 installation where I see that some users have been seing too much email causing some spam problems.
Is there a way to limit the amout of emails per hour/day a domain or a user can send?


3 Replies

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Yes, you should be able to set up Throttling to limit the sending of messages. 

Hope these help. 

Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Vicenç Masanas Replied
Thanks Tony,
I see the documentation refers to Enterprise version. I'm on 9.4 Professional.
I see I didn't include this detail on my initial question.

Is there a similar option on this version?
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

The Professional version does not offer this in SmarterMail 9.x.  
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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