Smartertrack SSL not working but redirecting to https
Problem reported by Heimir Eidskrem - 10/13/2023 at 11:28 AM
Something went wrong when I tried to add SSL.
I thought it was working when I enabled "force traffic to SSL" but its not.
Now I can't get into the site.  
I get a 503 error.
How can I turn off the force to SSL when the site is not running?


11 Replies

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Heimir Eidskrem Replied
you can see that it shows a valid SSL but gives the 503 error.

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Heimer,

I’m sorry you’re having trouble accessing your SmarterTrack site! I’m traveling in the car at the moment, so I’m not able to access your SmarterTools account and check out your licensing details, but I wanted to get you some help. 

If you use SmarterTrack on our your own server, you can run this query against your database to turn off the “force HTTPS” setting:

update [DB_NAME].[dbo].[st_GlobalSettings] set SettingValue = 'False' where SettingName = 'forcehttpstraffic';

If you use our Hosted SmarterTrack site, you should always be able to access your primary site, site.SmarterTrack.com

I hope this helps! Let me know if you still have trouble accessing your site. This article on securing SmarterTrack with Let’s Encrypt may also be useful:


Heimir Eidskrem Replied
Thank you Andrea,
The site has a cert, you see it when you go to helpdesk.smartcludllc.com.  

Not exactly sure why it’s not working.   Using the same setup as we have on the smartermail server with certifytheweb…

Will edit that record.  

echoDreamz Replied
The 503 error is most likely not related to SmarterTrack, it's something with IIS or the site's configuration. Did you check the "System" event log to see if there are warnings or errors for the WAS or IIS-APPHOSTSVC source?
Heimir Eidskrem Replied
That worked as you said.  

I agree, its something there.  Have not looked at it yet.

Ron Raley Replied
Port 443 must be reserved on your system. Not allowing IIS to use it.
Heimir Eidskrem Replied
The smartertrack install is using IIS so how can you have IIS not use it.
Just like smartermail setup.

Ron Raley Replied
Netstat will give you all the TCP connections and ports used. You should be able to see if another process is locked onto 443.
echoDreamz Replied
I would think if another app was using port 443, IIS not respond a 503 at all, since it would be unable to bind to it.
Ron Raley Replied
That may be very true in which the issue is with IIS, certificate, and bindings.
echoDreamz Replied
I’ve also seen permission issues cause 503s, wrong app pool credentials, too many app errors, or just weirdness with IIS that went away with a reboot. 

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