Please allow to turn off services
Idea shared by Thomas Tomiczek - 10/12/2023 at 4:15 PM
Really. We run a number of low cost domains and would love to be able to disable - global on server but also and mostly on domain level - which services (mail, calendar etc.) are generally available - both on a domain as well as on an account level. Especially on an account level - incoming email accounts have little use for that, often.

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+1 Turn more crap on/off
Agreed! Especially permissions like disabling of domain admins adding/removing users, lists, aliases etc. We have a control panel for this.
Yeah. I see where they are coming from - but at the same time, for a standard ISP setup many of those services are just not wanted. I would prefer the whole UI to be easier for possible users, not offering them a lot of stuff they have no interest in.
I agree with your idea. This is what I want
geometry dash subzero

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