When forwarding emails sender name becomes my administrators ID
Question asked by Patrick Mattson - 8/30/2023 at 7:53 AM
Currently running Build 8601 (Jul 20, 2023).

I had someone call saying someone left the company and asked me to forward all their incoming emails to their account.

Easy request. This morning user calls and any emails that are being forwarded have my admin account name as the sender. Does anyone know a way to fix this?

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Andrea Free Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Patrick,

Thanks for reaching out. Can you please share details on how this forward is being done? Did you edit the user account and add a forwarding address, as shown here? 

If so, you might just need to adjust the "Keep original sender and recipient when forwarded" setting. 
When enabled, an email is essentially re-routed to the new recipient and keeps its original "To" and "From" addresses. When disabled, the forward behaves as if the email was manually forwarded, so the "From" address is replaced with the address of the mailbox forwarding the message, and the "To" address is the mailbox listed in the Forwarding Address.

I hope this helps! 
Andrea Free SmarterTools Inc. 877-357-6278 www.smartertools.com
August Richmond Replied
If you only need to make a small change, it's probably the option "Keep original sender and recipient when forwarded".
Thanks Andrea!

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