Scheduled reports? Email delivery?
Idea shared by Matthew Titley - 8/7/2023 at 9:55 AM
Might anyone here know a way via scripting or other means to generate automated email activity reports that can be emailed? In previous versions of SmarterMail there was an option to have a scheduled report of email activity for a specific domain. I have a customer that relies on that report for monitoring of their sales rep department. Every week or day, a manager would receive a daily report of emails sent or received by staff. They loved it. Then, ST removed the feature. I've pleaded to have it added back but ST won't budge even though it would be simple to do. I mean, the report is already in the system as a default report. I just want it generated and emailed on a schedule.

So, since ST won't budge on my request, might anyone here know of another way via scripting or API to get a report generated and emailed on a schedule? Coding isn't my strong suit. I'll bet my customer would be happy to pay someone if it's possible to implement.

Thanks for any ideas.


2 Replies

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post

I wanted to respond to some of your comments.

First, we wish we could build every feature every person wants but unfortunately we must pick what will be used by the majority.  Scheduled reports was used very infrequently and we know this because we have metrics on how our products are used.  

Second, the task is not easy because it requires a separate reporting engine.  What we offer in a web page is not what can be provided in an email.  It requires different graphing libraries because we use javascript to provide customers dynamic charting and then there is printing and PDF requirements.  

The small number of customers that did use schedule reports also had feature requests to allow for multiple charts and graphs to be included on one report. There were additional requests as well.

These API calls might satisfy your needs.  If you wanted to do a little programming or use a REST tool:

Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hi Tim,

Thanks for your reply. I do appreciate it and I fully understand your point about features. That being said, I'll give up on my request as I've asked for it to be put back for a few years now. I don't understand why your dev team couldn't just leave it in, but I'm just going to have to accept that it isn't coming back. Hey, I'm an overall very happy ST customer for a very long time. You and your team have a great track record of providing an excellent product, so you just take the good with the occasional bad.

Moving on, if anyone outside of ST at this point can be of any assistance in my quest feel free to either respond here or via a private message. Thanks.


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