Transfer of Data from one server to another Server not working
Question asked by Jaswanth Jain - 8/2/2023 at 9:15 PM
I need support

Recently my server A got crashed, so i had purchased Server B and i was transferring data from Server A to Server B but when i paste the data in Server B the maisl are not visible in the inbox of smartermail, i have copied all .grp files from server A and pasted in the inbox of that user of Server B but when i check in the inbox i dont see the update, can anyone please help me out

6 Replies

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Jaswanth Jain Replied
I m using SM14 sorry forgot to mention that
Jack. Replied

Stop the Smartermail service in server B, delete files mailbox.cfg and root.cfg in all inbox, start the
Smartermail service
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello! The instructions Jack outlined should do the trick so please give that a try. We do recommend you use something like robocopy in place of copy/paste in the future however, as the latter can cause file locking which can lead to those emails not displaying as well. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us in support if you need a hand as well.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Jaswanth Jain Replied
Thank you very much, for some user its working perfectly, but some users are complaining that they are not able to find their emails in their inbox, any advice on the same.
Jaswanth Jain Replied
Thank you, to raise ticket i should have my smartermail active, but my smartermail 14 is deactivated, can you help me out
Jaswanth Jain Replied
Dear Sir,

Do you have any support plan per incident, i am ready to pay for that, but SM says to reinitiate my account which means i have to pay USD 1600 to activate, but if only ticket, i m ready to pay like USD 50 or so

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