Any way to export sent mail from a webmail user account?
Question asked by Dave Beckstrom - 7/27/2023 at 2:46 PM
I have a user that only ever used the webmail dashboard to read and send email.  I made them move to another ISP and they wanted to retain all of their email for the one critical email address.  I was able to set up outlook and retrieve all of their email from the server and then export a PST file for them.  So they got their inbox, etc.  However, that process does not capture any of the "sent" email.

Is there any way (or any tools available) that would provide a means for me to give them their sent email in a format they can use in outlook or in some other email client?

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Reto Replied
If you connect Outlook with IMAP you should be able to export the Sent emails to a pst file too. 

Or the client could use imapsync to directly transfer the data from your server to the new server. Imapsync is a command line tool and also available as an online service: https://imapsync.lamiral.info/X/

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