SmarterMail 8524 MAPI/EWS-Bug?
Problem reported by Roger - 5/8/2023 at 7:18 AM
Since updating to the latest version, we have noticed that when using MAPI/EWS in Outlook, the following error message is issued in each case:

"The folder cannot be expanded. This folder group cannot be opened. Error logging on to Microsoft Exchange"

The use of the e-mail account is not possible. Have you also noticed this?

Thanks and greetings


23 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Have you enabled cached exchange in the account settings?
Roger Replied
yes. default setting is 1 year.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Roger - this looks to be an account specific issue. Please submit a ticket including the user details and Outlook version and we can work on getting it replicated and escalated to development.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Roger Replied
Hello Kyle

I have this issue tested with several accounts in outlook and all have the same behavior. I have already opened a ticket for this case and submitted some files to inspect.
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Just migrated an account from Google mail and now I cant open the set of folders.

Just moved ALL the mail into hos exchange account and restarted outlook.
It couldnt add an IMAP account on Google unless I added some tweek to registry.

Now it tries to log on to exchange online.
If the mail is lost I will totally explode and find another vendor for my mail. This is a total waste of time.
I have NEVER asked for this.... how come its asking for an OWA account instaed of the smartermail server to which this belongs???
This is getting out of control. I so feel for the guys having 1000's of users.

They must be flooded with this shit.

Ands now I get this...

Using old data keeps me working offline and I cant change it no matter what I do.

Using temporary mailbox fucks everything as well.
Pressing cancel shuts down outlook....

Fucking hell....
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
And it just keeps going...

And now I cant send emails because I need to type my password on an online account that I doesnt have on O365....

This is a joke.

Roger Replied
Is this a known bug of SmarterMail in the current version? We didn't have this before but now everything with Exchange customers and Outlook is blowing up in our faces. They can't delete and recreate the profile either. Outlook keeps reporting the error as initially written.

SM team do you have a solution ready that fixes this bug?
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
I have to manually slide the slider from 6 mths to 3 mths to make one account sync mails.
Otherwise they show up and dissappear again in a second...
Sliding the slider to 3 mths makes the mails appear again. Sliding it back to 6 mths and it keeps going for a while.
Roger Replied
If i change caching to 3 months same error occurs:

if I disable the caching the same error occurs:
what is actually going on here with this product that something like this can happen!
Gabriele Maoret - SERSIS Replied
@BRIAN - I think yours is not a SmarterMail ISSUE.

Probably this is a Outlook issue.

In practice: Outlook as the VERY FIRST thing checks if the domain is registered on a Microsoft Online service.
So if you have registered your domain in a Microsoft Online service (Microsoft 365, Office 365, MS Exchange Online or whatever...), Outlook will continue to try to log in to Microsoft's servers and will never try to contact your SmarterMail server.

The problem is that even if you also unsubscribed from Microsoft, they DO NOT DELETE your registration (they just deactivate it, but Outlook still sees the reference...), so you will continue to see this error and not be able to connect to the your SmarterMail server...

Damn Microsoft...

To solve the problem, Windows registry entries must be modified which tell Outlook to NOT CHECK Microsoft's online servers ANYMORE.

unfortunately now I don't have at hand the details of what needs to be changed, but as soon as I'm in the office I'll see if I can send them to you...

If in the meantime some good soul (or a member of the SmarterTools team) has them at hand, please post them to help Brian!
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Roger Replied
In my case, it's definitely not an Outlook issue related to a former Exchange account at Microsoft.

The vast majority of domains I have checked have never been associated with Microsoft Exchange, Azure or any other MS service.

This misbehavior has been identified for the first time in our company since 03.05.2023. So shortly after the update of SmarterMail was installed.

So I still have to strongly assume that it is an issue of SmarterMail.

I have now deleted the entire email profile in the control panel, recreated, re-added the email account so far no error or prompt to log into Microsoft.

When starting Outlook this error:
Gabriele Maoret - SERSIS Replied
Hello Roger!
You're probably right, in fact the info I posted above pertains to the problem described by Brian...

Yours is probably another story... If I can think of some clues to help you too, then I'll write it...
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Gabriele Maoret - SERSIS Replied
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Thanks Gabriele. The account has never been registered at MSOnline.
The account was working before but for Google IMAP to work you need to change this regkey

To be able to use gmail IMAP it should be set to 0.

When doing that it screws your profile with smartermail server and it keeps asking for online credentials.
Set it to 3 and your SM profile works again but you cant add Google IMAP accounts to migrate from Gsuite to Smartermail.
I will try the smartermail migration tool tomorrow and see how that goes.

Roger Replied
Any Updates from SmarterMail-Team?
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Nothing so far but they are working on it. They expect a new release during this week as I understand.
Roger Replied
do you got this information right now? my open ticket has no updates since yesterday.
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Word from Kyle.

Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Just a heads up. The unread mails number keeps climbing but the emails azre not shown in the folder.
So the number of unread emails in outlook matches the one in webmail but the total number of mails are still the same as before until the folder is synced manually. (SM8517)
Roger Replied
the new release SM 8531 solved this issue for me
Howell Dell Replied
I have a similar but different problem in that I only have 1 eMailbox out of 50 that will not sync the Inbox Folder; all other folders SYNC AOK! If I create a new folder and then add one or more eMail Items then that new Folder along with all items will Sync as well. Thus, for me, Build 8531 did not solve anything unfortunately. I tried the Exchange Cache Trick (from above) and that did not solve anything!
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
HAve you tried to reindex or resync the user?
Howell Dell Replied
Yes, the "Resync All Devices" button did the trick now that we are on Build 8531. SmarterMail is so feature rich it hard to know what to do without help from support.

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