SM email delay to Outlook
Problem reported by Todd Hunter - 12/7/2022 at 8:35 AM
We experience frequent delays using MAPI in SM 17,  current build is 8251 but this has gone on since switching to MAPI.  Email show in the web interface but it can take 5 - 30 min before it show up in Outlook. This morning an email was sent at 9:05 and was in the web interface immediatly, but did not show in Outlook until 9:18 when several emails came in at once.  This desktop is Outlook 2016.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

What can be done to make the SM MAPI delivery to Outlook work correctly?



13 Replies

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Michael Replied
Yes. We always get mail first in Webmail, then in mobile phone EAS, then finally the message shows in Outlook MAPI. There's been previous comments about this. Perhaps improvement will come in the new release that's entering BETA shortly.
Nick Jansen Replied
Yes, I've noticed the same thing, also on Build 8251 (Enterprise). I was wondering if it was just me and had been meaning to make a post about it. Webmail, EAS, and IMAP all seem to have new messages appear quickly, but via MAPI there is usually a delay of at least a minute, often much longer, and sometimes a new message appears at the same time as other messages that were sent previously (in other words, the previous messages are delayed until the new message is delivered, which is itself usually a little late, but this doesn't always happen).

It's really easy to see this happen when I simultaneously have Outlook (MAPI) open on my local computer, Thunderbird (IMAP) open on a computer I'm connected to remotely, and my Android cell phone (EAS in the Gmail app) in front of me, all with the same account on the SmarterMail server added.
Todd Hunter Replied
It a little frustrating and unprofessional when you're on the phone with the vendors and they send emails or verifications for your account and after 10 minutes you haven't received it.

If I want email promptly I have to keep Chrome open to Smartermail web interface.  

Again this is MAPI so I would expect delivery to be almost instantaneous, the same as it is with Exchange.

Are there any workarounds either on the server or client side to make this work?


Robert Mills Replied
Hi all,
we've experienced the same or similar effects. Outlook 2019 (MAPI connected) client shows messages delayed. Delay time varies from 5 to 30 minutes.
Using build 8097 - but waiting for the major update as also mentioned above by Michael.

Looking forward to the update (beta is open since a few days).

Best regards
Larry Townsend Replied
Yes, same here..build 8251

Has anyone figured this out? A fix or workaround?

Thanks Larry
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
This isn't something we've had reported, so I would suspect connectivity issues or slowness between these clients and the server possibly. Can you try downloading and installing Fiddler Web Debugger (Classic) on an affected PC, go into the options and enable HTTPS Decryption, then restart it and run it while firing up Outlook and letting the problem manifest? When finished, you should see any failed connections listed in red within Fiddler. If you open a ticket and send this our way we can help analyze the results as well. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Todd Hunter Replied

I can tell you this is definitely not a connectivity or latency issue.  

It happens way to frequently.  I use much more latency sensitive applications such as Remote Desktop all day long which show absolutely no signs of connectivity problems.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hopefully someone else can offer some guidance here! :-)
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Christopher Glasgow Replied
Some of our users that have been having this report.  That the unread message count in outlook will update quickly, but the email will not show up in the inbox for up to 30 minutes.  They see it on their phone or webmail right away.

Not sure if this helps, but connectivity wise, that would seem as though outlook had connectivity to see a new message for the count.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
It does seem like some part of the Outlook client is aware that something has changed, hence the unread count change. I wonder if the message list itself thinks its already up to date. When this happens next; can you try going into the Properties for the Inbox folder in Outlook, clicking Clear Offline Items, then restart Outlook and monitor further. I'm curious if the issue will come right back, or if it clears off for a bit after flushing out the OST file. 

Fiddler might still be a good option here too, in that we can at least look for the calls to see if its requesting updates. If you can grab a trace with HTTPS decryption enabled that should help paint a clearer picture of why the folder isn't updating. Hope that helps!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
David Taylor Replied
Yes, I had the same issue. However, it was solved after I try increasing the MAPISynchronizationInterval setting in Service Desk.
pizza tower
Eira Jeremy Replied
This is a very useful and effective solution to identify the root cause of the issue and provide corrective actions. I hope that this solution will help resolve the problem and provide a better user experience. I mentioned that this issue has been ongoing since switching to MAPI. It seems to be working well with the MAPISynchronizationInterval setting in Service Desk.

Thanks David!
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Service desk???

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