Auto Login from SmarterMail to SmarterTrack
Question asked by Merle Wait - 7/12/2022 at 2:15 PM
have domain mail.xxxxx.com   and smartertrak  support.yyyyy.net ....   
How can i have smarterrmail users automatically login into smarter track?

3 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Merle Wait Replied
The problem is.. that the SoS has to be between mail.xxxxxx.com and support.xxxxx.com, not mail.xxxxx.com and support.yyyyyy.com ...   So our clients can login to their email as  webmail.theirdomain.com .... but since we have shared support... it needs to be able to login in to support.ourstuff.next

Does smartermail or smartertrack allow for a third party access via some sort of webserivices between the two??
Was just assuming that since they are both smartertools tools.. that there was some shared processes.

Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello Merle, 

We do not currently. have any special connection or web service between SmarterMail and SmarterTrack ( or SmarterStats for that matter ) 

Smartertrack would be the easiest of the three to implement what you are looking for.  There are two location that you can review. 

external providers

connected services

I hope this helps to clear up any confusion and points you in the right direction. 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. (877) 357-6278 www.smartertools.com

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