Can't Increase a User's Mailbox Size Limit
Problem reported by kevind - 7/7/2022 at 12:25 PM
Using latest version of SM.  Have a user whose Mailbox Size Limit is set to 100 MB, but they're using over 300 MB (not sure how that happened).

Anyway, when I increase the Size Limit to 5000 and press Save, it appears to take. But when I go back to edit, it still says 100 MB.

Can adjust Size for other users with no issues. Any help would be appreciated.

2 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hi Kevin, this behavior usually means that the user's settings.json file is corrupt or otherwise damaged. You should be able to restore a valid backup copy from this user's Archived Data directory where we keep a weeks worth of backup copies of these files. To confirm the file is valid; copy/paste its contents into something like jsonlint.com and hit Validate. I hope that helps!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Marked As Resolution
Good morning, Kyle.

We looked where the user's setting file should be located, but there was no settings.json file, only a settings.json.tmp file. So we copied the settings.json file from the Archived Data directory. Didn't really understand your validate process, but we logged in as Admin and were able to increase the Mailbox Size Limit!

Thank you for the assistance!

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