Question asked by John Marx - 5/13/2022 at 8:22 AM
We have a user that only uses webmail. No outlook or other clients. They are at 221.7 gig (yes, gig). They don't want to lose the history. What I am thinking is splitting their account into two. 2021 and before (dawn-archive) that she can log into and then just dawn for the current year. She doesn't use the history much but doesn't want to use it. Is this the best approach? I was hoping she used outlook and we could use archive folders but she is 100% webmail.

3 Replies

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hello John, 

Thanks for posting to the community. Here is what I would do. 
  1. Create a new account for the user on the domain
  2. Create a new folder on the current user account and move all emails that you want to archive into this folder you can use multiple folders or whatever you want to do.
  3. Stop the service. 
  4. Go to c:\SmarterMail\Domains\example.com\user\Mail
  5. Move the folder you created from the old mail account to the new achieve account. 
  6. once that is done start the service
  7. Then using the folder rebuilding function in manage->actions rebuild the folders
Please let me know if this helps. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello John, 

Another option that you can use to help with this issue to set up an IMAP Sync for the account. Once you have added the new account ( user-archive@doamin.tld ) you can then go to the users settings -> connectivity -> email retrieval

Here you can set up an IMAP session ( grabs the folder structure as well ) or a POP session if you only have the inbox. You can set up the retrieval to be run manually or scheduled ( daily ) depending on what you like, 

Email Retrieval
These days it's rare for someone to have, and use, a single email address. That's why SmarterMail's Email Retrieval feature is so great: it allows users to access email from another account directly within the SmarterMail Web interface. This means users can add their Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! or any other mail account to SmarterMail so that they can receive all of their emails, from a number of different accounts, from within a single interface.
IMAP Retrieval
SmarterMail's IMAP retrieval service will download email messages from another server via IMAP and deliver them to your SmarterMail mailbox. One primary difference between IMAP and POP is that an IMAP account will leave the original messages on the original mail server by default. The other primary difference is that IMAP allows the retrieval of ALL messages in all folders of the external mailbox, while POP will only download the contents from the Inbox.

Once the emails have been pulled in you can freely delete them from the primary users account. 

Please let me know if you have any more questions. 

Thank you 

Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Karl Jones Replied
I might also suggest a program called "MailStore" it will archive emails from selected accounts as soon as the email is received, if need be, and will delete all emails older than X months old, thereby making the mailbox a lot easier to handle, emails can then be searched and restored to the mailbox if needed.

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