Webmail not loading inbox SM 16.x
Problem reported by Carlos Sosa - 4/21/2022 at 9:11 AM
Hello. I'm having a  problem with SM 16.x. Webmail is not loading the inbox or any folder in any of the accounts and domains. I tried restarting SM service and even the whole server but same problem. Sometimes a get a spinning wheel that never ends and other times its just blank (where the folders list should be and the message viewer).

Any ideas on how I can fix this issue would be greatly appreciated. 

2 Replies

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello Carlos, 

When there is an issue with folders not loading like this in the web interface it is usually an issue with the root.cfg of the mail folder or the mailbox.cfg of the mail/subfolder. Or both 

One option would be to delete the CFG files. This will cause a loss of email flags ( read, unread, fwd, re, ... ). 

To do this you will want to stop the smartermail service
remove the files ( delete or rename ) 
start the service back up
impersonate the user so that the file is recreated

If you need help with this you can submit a ticket. 

I hope this helps. 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Carlos Sosa Replied
Hi Tony, Thanks for the quick response.
I will try that out and come back if I still have any issues.

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