[8025] Error after changing language (again)
Problem reported by Martin Schaible - 12/28/2021 at 10:28 AM

After Upgrading to Build 8025, a lot of customers are complaining, that theWebMail was reset to the english version. Then, after trying to switch to the desired language, the error "Language was not updated to prevent an email folder name conflict" .

Which folder conflicts?

I believe our customers, that they don't rename important folders. And if yes, why not?

What can we do to fix this?



8 Replies

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Stefano Replied
Have you got some folders like Drafts, Sent items, Deleted items,... (or the translation of it in your language)?
I've seen users on my server with a folder named Bozze (italian translation of Drafts) and so the users cannot change the languages. 
Martin Schaible Replied
Of course we see a localized versions of the main folders, which comes from SmarterMails. I also double checked some folders to be sure, that the names are okay.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Sorry for the inconvenience on this! This issue arises due to duplicate folder names matching our existing root folders in the chosen language. To correct this you'll need to switch the user to English, modify the offending folder name, then select the appropriate language in the user's settings. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Martin Schaible Replied
Hi Kyle

What is the "root folder" in the WebMail? I have Inbox, Deleted Items, Drafts, Junk Email and Sent items.
Please describe this more detailed.

Why this happened after the update? We have until today around 40 complains about this. A manual fix would be very expensive for me. It's actually a no go.


Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
I'd be happy to clarify on this Martin. Regarding the issue you're seeing with the translated folder names... In the previous version of SmarterMail, there was a bug that allowed email clients to create the default folder names in the translated language (such as Inbox or Drafts.) However, that has been rectified in builds after 7593. Unfortunately, any custom folders that were created in the user's language will need to be manually resolved. I'm afraid we don't have a tool that will fix automate this process. To correct that you just need to set the user's language to English, rename the offending folder names to something that doesn't match Inbox, Drafts, etc in the translated language, then set the user's language back to the desired language once that has been cleaned up. I hope this helps! :)
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Martin Schaible Replied
Hi Kyle

This is an example of an affected account. Some of the folders where created at the time, that the webmail was set to german. What do we have to do? Rename what? What should be resolved to...?


Sébastien Riccio Replied
If you try to switch to german language, that could be the folder Entwürfe conflicting, as it sounds a bit like a Draft folder in german.
Try removing/renaming this folder before attempting to switch the language again.
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Martin Schaible Replied
You can't rename them. These folders are provided by SmarterMail and they can not be deleted or renamed.

@Kyle: Please escalate this. This is a bug.


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