Where is Auto-Complete in the latest SmarterMail?
Question asked by David Fisher - 12/13/2021 at 11:32 AM

  I testing migrating from SM v15 to SM v100 aka v17, and I cannot find where Auto-Complete is located now.
I find little talk about this feature.

  I seemed to look at all the settings and cannot find it anywhere!

Thank You,

7 Replies

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello David, 

This has been moved to this file ( E:\SmarterMail\Domains\ascholz.local\Users\admin\acquaintances.json ). 

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
David Fisher Replied
Hi Tony,

  Okay, Thank You for the technical explanation of where it is. Now how would an end user (Or me via web portal), make changes to this file?  Is there a GUI editor?

   In short, I just cannot location it via SmarterMail It used to be in Settings -> Advanced -> Auto-complete

   Where the heck did it get moved to?

Thank You,
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Have David. 

This was removed with SmarterMail 16.x and no longer has a place in the web interface where it can be adjusted.

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
David Fisher Replied
Hi Tony,

  Okay, Got it, but there is still documentation that indicates it exists :

  • To - Type the email address for each primary recipient you want to receive your email. Multiple addresses can be used, simply separate each with a comma or semi-colon. When entering addresses into the To, Cc, and Bcc fields, SmarterMail will auto-complete addresses by referencing your contacts list, mailing lists, your Auto-complete list, aliases or the Global Address List.
  Also I cannot find in the v16 release notes that it was removed. But I did find it in Build 7459 :

Build 7459 (Jun 3, 2020)
  • Changed: Removed “Use sent items for autocomplete (webmail only)” user setting; changed autocomplete behavior to ALWAYS use Sent Items, GAL, and Contacts.
  So it looks to me like a more recent change.

Thank You,
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hallo David, 

This one

Build 7459 (Jun 3, 2020)
Changed: Removed “Use sent items for autocomplete (webmail only)” user setting; changed autocomplete behavior to ALWAYS use Sent Items, GAL, and Contacts.

This is a setting that was removed, there used to be a option to not use the "sent items" folder as part of the AutoComplete list. This is always toggled on now. 

The NOTE in the help document that you mentioned ( https://help.smartertools.com/SmarterMail/current/Topics/User/Email/CreateNewMessage.aspx ) shows teh AutoComplete list when composing an email as a drop down. 

I did not find a release note either when I reviewed the SmarterMail 16.x and SmarterMail Build xxxx release notes.

Thank you
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
kevind Replied
Sorry for jumping in here, but are you saying the AutoComplete in v17 always uses Sent Items and it can't be turned off?

If so, that's not very good as people do change email jobs and get new email addresses. So a user that has 10 years of Sent Items will show a lot of invalid addresses.

Hoping there's a way to turn that off or delete the list.
David Fisher Replied
Hi Kevin,

  No, v17 build 7459 and beyond removed the ability to use Sent Items for Auto-Complete this was in addition to all the other supported ways, like your contacts.  You used to be able to remove ones that were automatically added when you sent an email to someone.


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